用VHDL语言写一段完整代码,具备下列功能: 1、数字钟:能计时,实现小时、分钟、秒的显示; 2、数字跑表:精度至0.01秒 比如显示12.97秒; 3、闹钟: 可以设定闹钟,用试验箱上的蜂鸣器作为闹铃; 4、调时:可以对时间进行设定; 5、日期设定:能设定日期并显示当前日期; 6、除调时状态,其他状态均不应影响系统计时。
时间: 2023-07-10 10:15:05 浏览: 129
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity digital_clock is
port (
clk: in std_logic; -- 时钟信号
reset: in std_logic; -- 复位信号
buzzer: out std_logic; -- 蜂鸣器控制信号
seg: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- 数码管控制信号
an: out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) -- 数码管选择信号
end entity digital_clock;
architecture Behavioral of digital_clock is
-- 定义常量
constant CLOCK_FREQ: integer := 50000000; -- 时钟频率,这里假设为50MHz
constant SEGMENT_FREQ: integer := 100; -- 数码管刷新频率,这里假设为100Hz
constant MAX_TIME: integer := 8639999; -- 最大时间为23:59:59
-- 定义信号
signal second: integer range 0 to 59 := 0; -- 秒
signal minute: integer range 0 to 59 := 0; -- 分钟
signal hour: integer range 0 to 23 := 0; -- 小时
signal millisecond: integer range 0 to 99 := 0; -- 毫秒
signal time_count: integer range 0 to MAX_TIME := 0; -- 时间计数器
signal stopwatch_count: integer range 0 to MAX_TIME := 0; -- 跑表计数器
signal alarm_hour: integer range 0 to 23 := 0; -- 闹钟小时
signal alarm_minute: integer range 0 to 59 := 0; -- 闹钟分钟
signal alarm_on: std_logic := '0'; -- 闹钟开关
signal setting_mode: std_logic := '0'; -- 设置模式开关
signal setting_hour: integer range 0 to 23 := 0; -- 设置小时
signal setting_minute: integer range 0 to 59 := 0; -- 设置分钟
signal setting_second: integer range 0 to 59 := 0; -- 设置秒
signal setting_date: integer range 1 to 31 := 1; -- 设置日期
signal setting_month: integer range 1 to 12 := 1; -- 设置月份
signal setting_year: integer range 0 to 99 := 0; -- 设置年份
-- 时钟模块
process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
-- 复位信号
second <= 0;
minute <= 0;
hour <= 0;
millisecond <= 0;
time_count <= 0;
stopwatch_count <= 0;
alarm_on <= '0';
setting_mode <= '0';
setting_hour <= 0;
setting_minute <= 0;
setting_second <= 0;
setting_date <= 1;
setting_month <= 1;
setting_year <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
-- 秒表计数
if millisecond = 99 then
millisecond <= 0;
second <= second + 1;
if second = 60 then
second <= 0;
minute <= minute + 1;
if minute = 60 then
minute <= 0;
hour <= hour + 1;
if hour = 24 then
hour <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
millisecond <= millisecond + 1;
end if;
-- 时间计数
if not setting_mode then
time_count <= time_count + 1;
if time_count = MAX_TIME then
time_count <= 0;
end if;
-- 闹钟触发
if alarm_on and hour = alarm_hour and minute = alarm_minute and second = 0 then
buzzer <= '1';
buzzer <= '0';
end if;
end if;
-- 数码管刷新
if millisecond = (1000 / SEGMENT_FREQ) - 1 then
seg <= get_segment(hour, minute, second, millisecond, time_count, stopwatch_count, setting_mode, setting_hour, setting_minute, setting_second, setting_date, setting_month, setting_year);
an <= "1110";
elsif millisecond = (1000 / SEGMENT_FREQ) * 2 - 1 then
seg <= get_segment(hour, minute, second, millisecond, time_count, stopwatch_count, setting_mode, setting_hour, setting_minute, setting_second, setting_date, setting_month, setting_year);
an <= "1101";
elsif millisecond = (1000 / SEGMENT_FREQ) * 3 - 1 then
seg <= get_segment(hour, minute, second, millisecond, time_count, stopwatch_count, setting_mode, setting_hour, setting_minute, setting_second, setting_date, setting_month, setting_year);
an <= "1011";
elsif millisecond = (1000 / SEGMENT_FREQ) * 4 - 1 then
seg <= get_segment(hour, minute, second, millisecond, time_count, stopwatch_count, setting_mode, setting_hour, setting_minute, setting_second, setting_date, setting_month, setting_year);
an <= "0111";
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- 数码管控制模块
function get_segment(hour: integer; minute: integer; second: integer; millisecond: integer; time_count: integer; stopwatch_count: integer; setting_mode: std_logic; setting_hour: integer; setting_minute: integer; setting_second: integer; setting_date: integer; setting_month: integer; setting_year: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable segment: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "11111111"; -- 默认所有数码管熄灭
if setting_mode then
-- 设置模式,显示设置时间或日期
if millisecond < 50 then
segment := get_digit(setting_hour / 10);
elsif millisecond < 100 then
segment := get_digit(setting_hour mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 150 then
segment := get_digit(setting_minute / 10);
elsif millisecond < 200 then
segment := get_digit(setting_minute mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 250 then
segment := get_digit(setting_second / 10);
elsif millisecond < 300 then
segment := get_digit(setting_second mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 350 then
segment := get_digit(setting_date / 10);
elsif millisecond < 400 then
segment := get_digit(setting_date mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 450 then
segment := get_digit(setting_month / 10);
elsif millisecond < 500 then
segment := get_digit(setting_month mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 550 then
segment := get_digit(setting_year / 10);
segment := get_digit(setting_year mod 10);
end if;
-- 计时模式
if millisecond < 50 then
segment := get_digit(hour / 10);
elsif millisecond < 100 then
segment := get_digit(hour mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 150 then
segment := get_digit(minute / 10);
elsif millisecond < 200 then
segment := get_digit(minute mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 250 then
segment := get_digit(second / 10);
elsif millisecond < 300 then
segment := get_digit(second mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 350 then
segment := get_digit((time_count / 360000) mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 400 then
segment := get_digit((time_count / 36000) mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 450 then
segment := get_digit((time_count / 600) mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 500 then
segment := get_digit((time_count / 60) mod 10);
elsif millisecond < 550 then
segment := get_digit((stopwatch_count / 1000000) mod 10);
segment := get_digit((stopwatch_count / 100000) mod 10);
end if;
end if;
return segment;
end function get_segment;
-- 数码管显示模块
function get_digit(num: integer) return std_logic_vector is
variable digit: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "11111111"; -- 默认所有数码管熄灭
case num is
when 0 =>
digit := "00111111";
when 1 =>
digit := "00000110";
when 2 =>
digit := "01011011";
when 3 =>
digit := "01001111";
when 4 =>
digit := "01100110";
when 5 =>
digit := "01101101";
when 6 =>
digit := "01111101";
when 7 =>
digit := "00000111";
when 8 =>
digit := "01111111";
when 9 =>
digit := "01101111";
when others =>
digit := "11111111"; -- 显示空白
end case;
return digit;
end function get_digit;
end architecture Behavioral;