def search(self, word): index = self.hash_function(word) bucket = self.table[index] found_meanings = [] for w, meanings in bucket: if w == word: found_meanings.extend(meanings) return found_meanings if found_meanings else None def _save_word_to_file(self, word, pos, meaning): filename = f'dictionary/{word[0].lower()}.txt' with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.write(f"{word}\t{pos}\t{meaning}\n") def _delete_word_from_file(self, word): filename = f'dictionary/{word[0].lower()}.txt' with open(filename, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() with open(filename, 'w') as file: for line in lines: w, _, _ = line.strip().split('\t') if w != word: file.write(line)的意思
时间: 2024-02-15 11:28:27 浏览: 77
import os class HashTable: def __init__(self): self.size = 26 self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.size)] def hash_function(self, key): return ord(key[0].lower()) - ord('a') def insert(self, word, meanings): index = self.hash_function(word) bucket = self.table[index] for i, (w, m) in enumerate(bucket): if w == word:这段代码的用处
这段代码实现的是一个哈希表(HashTable),其中包含了哈希函数(hash_function)和插入操作(insert)。哈希函数将输入的字符串(word)转化为一个索引值 index,然后将其插入到哈希表中对应的列表(bucket)中。如果已经存在相同的键值(word),则更新其对应的值(meanings)。这样可以通过键值快速地查找对应的值。这个哈希表的实现方式是通过使用 Python 中的列表(list)来实现的。
class CuckooFilter: def init(self, capacity, bucket_size, max_attempts): self.capacity = capacity # 过滤器容量 self.bucket_size = bucket_size # 存储桶的大小 self.max_attempts = max_attempts # 插入失败时的最大重试次数 self.buckets = [[] for _ in range(capacity)] # 用于存储元素的桶 def _hash(self, item): # 使用哈希函数生成索引和指纹 item_str = str(item) # 将输入转换为字符串 item_hash = hashlib.sha256(item_str.encode()).hexdigest() index = int(item_hash[:8], 16) % self.capacity fingerprint = int(item_hash[8:16], 16) return index, fingerprint def _generate_alternate_index(self, index, fingerprint): # 使用异或操作生成备选索引 alt_index = index ^ fingerprint return alt_index % self.capacity def insert(self, item): index, fingerprint = self._hash(item) attempts = 0 while attempts < self.max_attempts: if len(self.buckets[index]) < self.bucket_size: # 桶未满 self.buckets[index].append(fingerprint) return True # 替换已存在的指纹,并将替换的指纹插入备选索引位置 alternate_index = self._generate_alternate_index(index, fingerprint) index = alternate_index if self.buckets[index]: fingerprint = random.choice(self.buckets[index]) # 从桶中移除替换的指纹 if fingerprint in self.buckets[index]: self.buckets[index].remove(fingerprint) attempts += 1 return False def contains(self, item): index, fingerprint = self._hash(item) if fingerprint in self.buckets[index]: # 指纹存在于主索引位置 return True alternate_index = self._generate_alternate_index(index, fingerprint) if fingerprint in self.buckets[alternate_index]: # 指纹存在于备选索引位置 return True return False 对上述代码进行解释
上述代码是一个实现了Cuckoo Filter(布谷鸟过滤器)的类。Cuckoo Filter是一种概率型数据结构,用于判断某个元素是否存在于集合中,具有高效的插入和查询操作。
这是一个简单的Cuckoo Filter实现,用于演示概率型数据结构的基本原理和操作。