if (eSourcingRoute !== undefined) { const myRequestIndex = eSourcingRoute.findIndex(route => route.meta?.title === 'My Request'); if (myRequestIndex !== -1 && eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex] !== undefined && eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta !== undefined) { if (eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex]?.meta) { eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta = { title: 'My Request (' + inProcessCount + ')', icon: 'bi-list', roles: ['GBS Admin', 'Buyer'] } } } }优化代码
时间: 2024-02-07 11:04:02 浏览: 111
const myRequestIndex = eSourcingRoute?.findIndex(route => route.meta?.title === 'My Request');
if (myRequestIndex !== -1) {
const myRequestRoute = eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex];
if (myRequestRoute?.meta) {
eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta = {
title: `My Request (${inProcessCount})`,
icon: 'bi-list',
roles: ['GBS Admin', 'Buyer']
这个优化后的代码可以更加简单和清晰。首先,我们使用可选链运算符 `?.` 来避免在 `eSourcingRoute` 为 `undefined` 时出现错误。然后,我们将 `myRequestIndex` 找到的元素保存到一个新的变量 `myRequestRoute` 中,以避免多次访问数组。最后,我们使用对象解构和模板字符串来更优雅地修改 `meta.title` 属性。
let inProcessCount: number | undefined; async function getInProcessCount() { if (inProcessCount !== undefined) { return inProcessCount; } const list = await store.dispatch('ESourcingModule/GetMyRequest', searchView.value); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call const len = list.filter((o: { ViewType: string }) => o.ViewType === 'InClarification' || o.ViewType === 'SupplementEventDetails').length; inProcessCount = len; if (eSourcingRoute) { // 如果 eSourcingRoute 变量不为 undefined const myRequestIndex = eSourcingRoute.findIndex(route => route.meta?.title === 'My Request'); if (myRequestIndex !== -1 && eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta !== undefined) { eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta.title = 'My Request (2)' } r } eturn inProcessCount as number; }
代码中的问题在于 `r` 这个字符,它是一个语法错误,应该删除掉。
另外,代码中对 `eSourcingRoute` 变量的访问也存在问题,应该修改为 `if (eSourcingRoute !== undefined)`,这样才能避免 TypeScript 的类型检查错误。具体修改后的代码如下:
let inProcessCount: number | undefined;
async function getInProcessCount() {
if (inProcessCount !== undefined) {
return inProcessCount;
const list = await store.dispatch('ESourcingModule/GetMyRequest', searchView.value);
const len = list.filter((o: { ViewType: string }) => o.ViewType === 'InClarification' || o.ViewType === 'SupplementEventDetails').length;
inProcessCount = len;
if (eSourcingRoute !== undefined) {
const myRequestIndex = eSourcingRoute.findIndex(route => route.meta?.title === 'My Request');
if (myRequestIndex !== -1 && eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta !== undefined) {
eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta.title = 'My Request (2)';
return inProcessCount as number;
eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta.title = 'My Request (2)' 提示对象可能为“未定义”。ts(2532) (property) _RouteRecordBase.meta?: RouteMeta | undefined Arbitrary data attached to the record.
这是 TypeScript 的一个类型检查错误,意思是 `meta` 属性可能为 `undefined`,在访问该属性的 `title` 属性时会出现运行时错误。
为了避免这个错误,您可以在访问 `meta` 属性的 `title` 属性之前,先判断一下 `meta` 属性是否为 `undefined`,如果是,则不进行访问操作。具体代码如下:
if (eSourcingRoute !== undefined) {
const myRequestIndex = eSourcingRoute.findIndex(route => route.meta?.title === 'My Request');
if (myRequestIndex !== -1 && eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta !== undefined) {
eSourcingRoute[myRequestIndex].meta.title = 'My Request (2)';
这样就可以避免 TypeScript 的类型检查错误,并确保在对 `meta` 属性进行操作之前,该属性已经被正确地初始化了。