时间: 2024-05-05 15:15:31 浏览: 156
program linear_interp
! This program demonstrates one-dimensional linear interpolation
implicit none
integer :: i, n
real :: x(10), y(10), x_interp, y_interp
! Define the data points
! In this example, we use 10 points with x ranging from 0 to 9 and y ranging from 0 to 90.
n = 10
do i = 1, n
x(i) = float(i-1)
y(i) = x(i) * 10.0
end do
! Enter the value to be interpolated
x_interp = 4.5
! Perform the linear interpolation
do i = 1, n-1
if (x_interp >= x(i) .and. x_interp <= x(i+1)) then
y_interp = y(i) + (y(i+1) - y(i)) * (x_interp - x(i)) / (x(i+1) - x(i))
end if
end do
! Print the interpolated value
write(*,*) 'Interpolated value at x = ', x_interp, ' is ', y_interp
end program linear_interp
在这个程序中,我们首先定义了一个数组 `x` 和 `y`,它们表示我们要进行插值的数据点。然后,我们输入要插值的值 `x_interp`。接下来,我们使用一个循环来找到 `x_interp` 在 `x` 中对应的两个数据点,并使用这些数据点进行线性插值。最后,我们打印出插值结果。