s8 BME280_SPI_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt) { s32 iError=BME280_INIT_VALUE; u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN]={0,}; u8 stringpos; /* For the SPI mode only 7 bits of register addresses are used. The MSB of register address is declared the bit what functionality it is read/write (read as 1/write as BME280_INIT_VALUE)*/ array[BME280_INIT_VALUE] = reg_addr|SPI_READ;/*read routine is initiated register address is mask with 0x80*/ /* * Please take the below function as your reference for * read the data using SPI communication * " IERROR = SPI_READ_WRITE_STRING(ARRAY, ARRAY, CNT+1)" * add your SPI read function here * iError is an return value of SPI read function * Please select your valid return value * In the driver SUCCESS defined as 0 * and FAILURE defined as -1 * Note : * This is a full duplex operation, * The first read data is discarded, for that extra write operation * have to be initiated. For that cnt+1 operation done in the SPI read * and write string function * For more information please refer data sheet SPI communication: */ for (stringpos = BME280_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) { *(reg_data + stringpos) = array[stringpos+BME280_DATA_INDEX]; } return (s8)iError; }
时间: 2024-04-23 14:27:59 浏览: 124
s8 BME280_SPI_bus_read(u8 dev_addr, u8 reg_addr, u8 *reg_data, u8 cnt)
s32 iError = BME280_INIT_VALUE; // 用于存储错误码的变量
u8 array[SPI_BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; // 用于存储读取数据的数组
u8 stringpos;
// 在数组中存储读取操作的命令字节
array[BME280_INIT_VALUE] = reg_addr | SPI_READ;
* 请在这里添加你的SPI读取函数
* iError 是SPI读取函数的返回值,根据你的实际情况选择合适的返回值
* 在该驱动程序中,成功定义为0,失败定义为-1
* 注意:
* 这是一个全双工操作,
* 第一个读取的数据被丢弃,所以需要额外的写操作
* 在SPI读写字符串函数中进行了cnt+1次操作
* 更多信息请参考BME280数据手册中的SPI通信部分:
// 将读取到的数据存储到reg_data数组中
for (stringpos = BME280_INIT_VALUE; stringpos < cnt; stringpos++) {
*(reg_data + stringpos) = array[stringpos + BME280_DATA_INDEX];
return (s8)iError;