mdb1 数据库中有点表和线表,点表中有字段:管线点号,x坐标,y坐标,线表中有管线起点点号,管线终点点号。mdb2 数据库中有点表和线表,点表中有字段:点号,x,y。如何用 vba 语句将 mdb1 中的字段按类似,管线点号=点号,的对应关系导入到 mdb2 中
时间: 2024-09-11 13:13:25 浏览: 46
Sub ImportData()
Dim mdb1Rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim mdb2Rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim mdb1LineTable As DAO.TableDef
Dim mdb2PointTable As DAO.TableDef
Dim mdb1PipelineRow As DAO.Recordset
Dim mdb2PointRow As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
' Set up the recordsets for point tables
Set mdb1Rs = mdb1Conn.OpenRecordset("mdb1.PointTable")
Set mdb2Rs = mdb2Conn.OpenRecordset("mdb2.PointTable", dbAppendOnly, dbFailOnError)
' Loop through each row in the mdb1.LineTable
For Each mdb1LineTable In mdb1Conn.Database.TableDefs
If mdb1LineTable.Name = "LineTable" Then
Set mdb1PipelineRow = mdb1LineTable.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
' Check if there is a valid start and end point
If Not mdb1PipelineRow.EOF And Not mdb1PipelineRow.BOF Then
' Use the PipelineStartPointNo to find the corresponding start point in mdb1.PointTable
strSearch = "管线点号=" & mdb1PipelineRow!管线起点点号
Set mdb1PointRow = mdb1Rs.Open(strSearch, , dbOpenDynamic)
' Now copy the start point data to mdb2
If Not mdb1PointRow.EOF Then
For i = 0 To mdb1PointRow.Fields.Count - 1
mdb2Rs.Fields(i).Value = mdb1PointRow.Fields(i).Value ' Copy fields x, y
Next i
mdb2Rs.AddNew ' Add new record to mdb2.PointTable
mdb2Rs.Update ' Save the changes
End If
' Move to next start point
MsgBox "Invalid line record found."
End If
mdb1PipelineRow.MoveNext ' Move to next line
End If
' Close all recordsets
End Sub