if params.grad is not None: params.grad.zero_()
时间: 2024-05-21 10:10:15 浏览: 189
This line of code checks if the gradient of the parameters (params) is not None. If it is not None, it sets the gradient to zero using the zero_() method. This is a common step in training neural networks using backpropagation, where the gradients are accumulated during each forward pass and used to update the weights during the backward pass. Setting the gradient to zero before the next forward pass ensures that the gradients are not accumulated across multiple batches or iterations.
if params.grad is not None: params.grad.zero_()是什么意思
现在我们有一个要优化的网络,让我们看看PyTorch的优化器类。为了实现一个优化器,我们需要实现step()函数来实际更新参数。帮我按照上面的要求补充下面的代码 class GD(Optimizer): def __init__(self, params, lr=0.2) -> None: super().__init__(params, {'lr': lr}) self.lr = lr def step(self): # do not consider the next steps for gradient calculations with torch.no_grad(): # iter over all parameters for p in self.param_groups[0]['params']: # if the gradient is set, update it if p.grad is not None: # update parameters # hint: in torch each function (e.g. Tensor.add()) has an inplace variant # which modifies the tensor inplace: Tensor.add_() ...
class GD(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, params, lr=0.2) -> None:
super().__init__(params, {'lr': lr})
self.lr = lr
def step(self):
# do not consider the next steps for gradient calculations
with torch.no_grad():
# iter over all parameters
for p in self.param_groups[0]['params']:
# if the gradient is set, update it
if p.grad is not None:
# update parameters
# hint: in torch each function (e.g. Tensor.add()) has an inplace variant
# which modifies the tensor inplace: Tensor.add_()
p.add_(self.lr * (-p.grad))
# clear gradients
在`step()`函数中,我们首先使用`with torch.no_grad():`语句块来告诉PyTorch在下面的计算中不需要计算梯度。然后我们使用`self.param_groups[0]['params']`来获取网络中所有的参数,并使用循环逐个更新它们。在更新参数时,我们使用`p.add_(self.lr * (-p.grad))`来使用梯度下降更新参数。最后,我们使用`p.grad.zero_()`来清除计算的梯度,以便下一次计算。