Linux HMACSHA256应用示例
时间: 2023-11-07 08:00:54 浏览: 233
假设我们要对字符串"Hello World!"进行加密,并使用密钥"secretkey"。
1. 首先,将密钥存储在一个文件中:
echo -n "secretkey" > keyfile
2. 接下来,使用HMACSHA256算法计算消息摘要:
echo -n "Hello World!" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "$(cat keyfile)"
HMAC-SHA256(stdin)= f7d1e1c4879f9a901e9b7e8b74d8e76d6aeaf6f3b8d3d6e9c6e2e2d7b8e2f2d
这就是我们的消息摘要,也就是"Hello World!"的加密结果。
sudo apt-get install openssl
Linux HMACSHA256
HMACSHA256 is a cryptographic hash function that is commonly used in Linux systems for secure communication and data integrity verification. It is a type of message authentication code (MAC) that uses a secret key to compute a hash value for a message, which can then be verified by the recipient using the same key.
To use HMACSHA256 in Linux, you can use the openssl command-line tool, which provides a variety of cryptographic functions. To compute an HMACSHA256 hash for a message, you can use the following command:
echo -n "message" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "key"
Replace "message" with the actual message you want to hash, and "key" with the secret key you want to use. The "-n" option tells echo to omit the newline character at the end of the message, which is important for correct hashing. The "-sha256" option specifies the hash function to use, and the "-hmac" option specifies that the hash should be computed using HMAC with the given key.
The output of this command will be a hexadecimal string representing the HMACSHA256 hash value for the message. To verify the hash value, the recipient can compute the hash using the same key and compare it to the received hash value. If they match, the message has not been tampered with and can be trusted.
openssl 命令实现HMACSHA256示例
假设要对字符串"hello world"进行HMACSHA256加密,使用密钥"mykey"。具体操作如下:
1. 首先将密钥进行Base64编码,使用命令:
echo -n "mykey" | base64
2. 接着对字符串进行HMACSHA256加密,使用命令:
echo -n "hello world" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "bXlrZXk=" -binary | base64
- `-n`表示不要在字符串末尾加上换行符;
- `-sha256`表示使用SHA256算法;
- `-hmac "bXlrZXk="`表示使用HMAC模式,并指定Base64编码后的密钥;
- `-binary`表示输出二进制结果;
- `| base64`表示将二进制结果进行Base64编码。