请帮我优化下这段SQL语句 select ctm_code from ( SELECT ctm_code, (select COUNT(*) from zsbv_ctmcallinfo where ear_Id =ear_id and ctf_date>='2022.12.01' and ctf_date<='2023.04.30' and ctf_ctmcode = ctm_code and ctf_status in ('FST','FID','OTH') and (ctf_remark not like '%未到院%' and ctf_remark not like '%导资料%' and ctf_remark not like '%导错%')) 'count1', (select COUNT(*) from zsbv_ctmpay where ear_Id =ear_id and cpy_date>='2022.12.01' and cpy_date<='2023.04.30' and cpy_ctmcode = ctm_code and cpy_zpttype in ('CAH','PCH','SAL')) 'count2' from zsb_customer c where ctm_date>='2022.12.01' and ctm_date<='2023.04.30' and ctm_cardtype in ('A','B') and (len(isnull(tel,''))>10 or len(isnull(mobile,''))>10) and isnull(empcode1,'')<>'' ) a where count1>0 and count2 = 0
时间: 2023-09-04 15:07:23 浏览: 168
1. 将子查询中的常量条件提到主查询中,可以减少子查询的计算量。
2. 使用JOIN代替子查询,可以提升查询效率。
3. 使用索引优化查询,例如对于 WHERE 子句中涉及到的字段建立索引,可以加快查询速度。
4. 对于频繁查询的表,可以使用表格分区等技术进行优化。
SELECT ctm_code
FROM zsb_customer c
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ear_Id, ctf_ctmcode, COUNT(*) AS count1 FROM zsbv_ctmcallinfo WHERE ctf_date BETWEEN '2022.12.01' AND '2023.04.30' AND ctf_status IN ('FST','FID','OTH') AND (ctf_remark NOT LIKE '%未到院%' AND ctf_remark NOT LIKE '%导资料%' AND ctf_remark NOT LIKE '%导错%') GROUP BY ear_Id, ctf_ctmcode) t1 ON c.ctm_code = t1.ctf_ctmcode
LEFT JOIN (SELECT ear_Id, cpy_ctmcode, COUNT(*) AS count2 FROM zsbv_ctmpay WHERE cpy_date BETWEEN '2022.12.01' AND '2023.04.30' AND cpy_zpttype IN ('CAH','PCH','SAL') GROUP BY ear_Id, cpy_ctmcode) t2 ON c.ctm_code = t2.cpy_ctmcode
WHERE c.ctm_date BETWEEN '2022.12.01' AND '2023.04.30' AND c.ctm_cardtype IN ('A','B') AND (LEN(ISNULL(c.tel,'')) > 10 OR LEN(ISNULL(c.mobile,'')) > 10) AND ISNULL(c.empcode1,'') <> '' AND t1.count1 > 0 AND t2.count2 = 0;