时间: 2024-11-27 08:24:32 浏览: 11
### 使用 `IEEEtran` 类
1. **导入 `IEEEtran` 文档类**:确保你在文档的开头已经指定了 `IEEEtran` 类,并且选择了合适的选项,例如 `conference` 或 `journal`。
2. **使用 `\IEEEauthorblockN` 和 `\IEEEauthorblockA` 命令**:这两个命令分别用于设置作者的名字和联系信息。
\IEEEauthorblockN{Author Name}
Department of Electrical Engineering\\
University of Example\\
City, Country\\
Email: email@example.com
3. **完整示例**:
\title{Sample Article Using IEEEtran Class}
\IEEEauthorblockN{Author Name}
Department of Electrical Engineering\\
University of Example\\
City, Country\\
Email: email@example.com
This document describes the most common article elements and how to use the IEEEtran class with LATEX to produce files that are suitable for submission to the IEEE.
This file is intended to serve as a “sample article file” for IEEE journal papers produced under LATEX using IEEEtran.cls.
### 解释
- **`\IEEEauthorblockN`**:用于指定作者的名字。
- **`\IEEEauthorblockA`**:用于指定作者的联系信息,包括部门、机构、城市、国家和电子邮件地址。
- **`\maketitle`**:生成标题、作者和摘要部分。