Linux中 mutex_trylock的使用方法
时间: 2024-05-14 17:15:54 浏览: 404
可以使用 mutex_trylock() 函数来尝试锁定一个互斥锁,该函数有以下两种返回值:
1. 如果互斥锁当前没有被锁定,则该函数会立即锁定互斥锁,并返回0。
2. 如果互斥锁当前已被锁定,则该函数不会阻塞,而是立即返回 -EBUSY 错误码。
int mutex_trylock(struct mutex *lock);
其中,参数 lock 是需要锁定的互斥锁。
#include <linux/mutex.h>
// 定义一个互斥锁
static DEFINE_MUTEX(my_mutex);
// 在某个函数中使用 mutex_trylock() 尝试锁定互斥锁
int my_function(void)
if (mutex_trylock(&my_mutex) == 0) {
// 互斥锁已成功锁定,可以执行相关操作
// 解除互斥锁
} else {
// 互斥锁已被占用,执行其他操作
return 0;
注意,mutex_trylock() 函数只是尝试锁定互斥锁,并不会阻塞等待锁定成功。如果需要阻塞等待锁定成功,则需要使用 mutex_lock() 函数。
Linux man pthread_mutex_trylock
pthread_mutex_trylock is a function in Linux man pages that attempts to lock a mutex object. It is a non-blocking function that returns immediately, either locking the mutex and returning zero, or not locking the mutex and returning a non-zero value. The function prototype is as follows:
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Here, `mutex` is a pointer to the mutex object that you want to lock. If the mutex is already locked by another thread, `pthread_mutex_trylock` will return a non-zero value (typically `EBUSY`), and the mutex remains unchanged. If the mutex is successfully locked, the function will return zero.
It's important to note that `pthread_mutex_trylock` differs from `pthread_mutex_lock`, as the latter blocks the calling thread until the mutex becomes available, while `pthread_mutex_trylock` returns immediately regardless of the mutex's state.
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