解释一下“def main(): newBricks = packageVersionsFromConfig() newDict = getDependencies(newBricks, "davinci") sipver = newDict.get(SIP_PACKAGE_NAME) sipver =sipver['release'] logging.info("BRICKS SIP package version is %s", sipver) handleRepo(SIP_PACKAGE_NAME, False) logging.info("Cloning SIP repo, hold your horses, this could take a while (1.8G)") repo = git.Repo(os.path.join(GIT_WORKING_DIR, SIP_PACKAGE_NAME)) repo.git.checkout(sipver) logging.info ("Git status of repo %s is %s ", SIP_PACKAGE_NAME, repo.git.status()) #copying files to SIP folder sipVersion = [] reg_compile = re.compile("SIP_*") for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join(GIT_WORKING_DIR, SIP_PACKAGE_NAME, "src")): sipVersion = sipVersion + [dirname for dirname in dirnames if reg_compile.match(dirname)] logging.info("Vector SIP version is %s", sipVersion) if input("WARNING !!!! You're about to overwrite your local SIP folder. Are you sure you want to continue ? (y/n)") != "y": exit("I wish you good fortune") for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join("src","SIP")): for filename in filenames: if filename == "CMakeLists.txt": continue absfile = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) #logging.info(absfile) os.remove(absfile) for dirname in dirnames: if dirname == "Components": continue absdir = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) #logging.info(absfile) shutil.rmtree(absdir) logging.info("Copying source files from Vector SIP cloned repo to the SIP folder") distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(os.path.join(GIT_WORKING_DIR, SIP_PACKAGE_NAME, "src", sipVersion[0]), os.path.join("src","SIP")) ”
时间: 2024-02-14 20:26:19 浏览: 266
python dict.get()和dict['key']的区别详解
5星 · 资源好评率100%
1. `newBricks = packageVersionsFromConfig()`:通过调用`packageVersionsFromConfig()`函数,从配置中获取软件包的版本信息,将其存储在`newBricks`变量中。
2. `newDict = getDependencies(newBricks, "davinci")`:通过调用`getDependencies()`函数,获取"SIP"软件包在"davinci"环境下的依赖项,并将其存储在`newDict`变量中。
3. `sipver = newDict.get(SIP_PACKAGE_NAME)`:从`newDict`字典中获取"SIP"软件包的版本信息,并将其存储在`sipver`变量中。
4. `代码从解释器到内存再到 CPU 再返回的过程