ORA-32771: cannot add file to bigfile tablespace
时间: 2024-01-21 15:16:52 浏览: 306
ORA-32771 is an Oracle error message that occurs when you try to add a file to a bigfile tablespace that has already reached its maximum size limit.
A bigfile tablespace is a tablespace that contains one or more data files that can grow up to 128 terabytes each. However, when you create a bigfile tablespace, you specify a maximum size limit for the entire tablespace. You cannot add more data files to the tablespace once it reaches this limit.
To resolve the ORA-32771 error, you can either increase the maximum size limit of the tablespace or create a new bigfile tablespace and move some of the objects to the new tablespace.
To increase the maximum size limit of the tablespace, you can use the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the DATAFILE clause to add more space to an existing data file or add a new data file to the tablespace.
For example, to add more space to an existing data file, you can use the following command:
ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name
ADD DATAFILE 'file_name' SIZE size_in_bytes;
Replace `tablespace_name` with the name of the bigfile tablespace, `file_name` with the name of the data file, and `size_in_bytes` with the amount of space you want to add to the data file.
Alternatively, you can create a new bigfile tablespace and move some of the objects to the new tablespace using the CREATE TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLE commands. This method requires more effort but allows you to better manage your database storage and performance.