uint8_t* buffer
时间: 2023-10-21 11:29:49 浏览: 125
uint8_t* buffer 是一个指向 uint8_t 类型的指针。它可以用来引用一个一维数组或者一块内存空间,其中存储了 uint8_t 类型的数据。在第一个引用中,jbyte *buffer 是一个类似 uint8_t* 的指针,它通过调用 env->GetByteArrayElements(buffer_, NULL) 来获取一个指向 byte 数组的指针。在第二个引用中,通过调用 env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(buffer_, buffer, 0) 来释放之前获取的 byte 数组的指针。在第三个引用中,void Fun1(uint8_t *pBuffer) 是一个函数定义,它接受一个指向 uint8_t 类型的指针作为参数。在第四个引用中,QUEUE_DATA_TYPE* 是一个指向 QUEUE_DATA_TYPE 类型的指针,它可以用来引用一个队列缓冲区的数据。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span><span class="em">4</span>
uint8_t UART4_GetBuffer(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t* cnt)
`UART4_GetBuffer` 是一个函数,它的作用是从 UART4 接收缓冲区中读取数据,并将数据存储到 `buffer` 中。同时,它还会返回读取的数据个数,存储在 `cnt` 变量中。
uint8_t UART4_GetBuffer(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t* cnt);
其中,`buffer` 是用于存储读取数据的缓冲区,`cnt` 是用于存储读取数据个数的变量。
uint16_t Proc_CRC8(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len,uint16_t crc_init)
As an AI language model, I am not able to provide the exact implementation of the function `Proc_CRC8()`. However, I can provide some information about the function signature and how it can be used.
The function `Proc_CRC8()` takes three arguments:
- `buffer`: A pointer to the input buffer containing the data to be processed for CRC calculation.
- `len`: The length of the input buffer in bytes.
- `crc_init`: The initial value of the CRC register.
The function returns a `uint16_t` value, which is the final calculated CRC value.
To use the function, you would first need to define an input buffer containing the data to be processed for CRC calculation. You would also need to set an initial value for the CRC register. You can then call the function `Proc_CRC8()` with these inputs to calculate the CRC value.
Here is an example usage of the function:
uint8_t buffer[] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05};
uint16_t len = sizeof(buffer);
uint16_t crc_init = 0xFFFF;
uint16_t crc_value = Proc_CRC8(buffer, len, crc_init);
In this example, `buffer` contains the input data to be processed for CRC calculation. `len` is set to the length of `buffer`, and `crc_init` is set to an initial value of 0xFFFF. The function `Proc_CRC8()` is then called with these inputs to calculate the final CRC value, which is stored in `crc_value`.