时间: 2024-02-27 09:57:58 浏览: 118
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以下是给定地心地固坐标系下三个速度分量,得到东北天坐标系下的三个速度分量的 Matlab 代码:
function [vn, ve, vd] = ecef2ned_vel(x, v, lat, lon, h)
% WGS-84 ellipsoid constants
a = 6378137; % Semi-major axis
b = 6356752.3142; % Semi-minor axis
e = sqrt(1-(b/a)^2); % Eccentricity
ep = sqrt((a/b)^2-1); % Second Eccentricity
% Compute the necessary trigonometric functions
sinLat = sin(lat);
cosLat = cos(lat);
sinLon = sin(lon);
cosLon = cos(lon);
% Compute the local radius of curvature in the prime vertical
N = a^2./sqrt(a^2*cosLat.^2+b^2*sinLat.^2);
% Compute the local radius of curvature in the meridian
M = a*(1-e^2)./((1-(e^2)*sinLat.^2).^1.5);
% Compute the rotation matrix from the ECEF to the local tangent plane
R = [-sinLat*cosLon -sinLat*sinLon cosLat ;
-sinLon cosLon 0 ;
-cosLat*cosLon -cosLat*sinLon -sinLat ];
% Convert the ECEF velocity vector to the local tangent plane
Ve = v(1);
Vn = v(2);
Vd = v(3);
vn_dot = R(1,1)*Ve + R(1,2)*Vn + R(1,3)*Vd;
ve_dot = R(2,1)*Ve + R(2,2)*Vn + R(2,3)*Vd;
vd_dot = R(3,1)*Ve + R(3,2)*Vn + R(3,3)*Vd;
% Compute the velocity in the NED frame
vn = vn_dot;
ve = ve_dot;
vd = -vd_dot;
% Return the NED velocity vector
vn = vn/N;
ve = ve/(M*cosLat);
vd = vd;
其中,输入参数 `x` 表示 ECEF 坐标系下的位置向量,`v` 表示 ECEF 坐标系下的速度向量,`lat` 表示纬度,`lon` 表示经度,`h` 表示高度。函数的输出是 NED 坐标系下的速度向量,分别为 `vn`、`ve` 和 `vd`。