typeerror: descriptors cannot not be created directly. if this call came
时间: 2023-09-18 12:15:29 浏览: 75
from keras.layers, please use `@keras decorator` instead.
这个错误是因为在 Keras 中创建描述符时出现了错误,可能是因为直接从 keras.layers 创建描述符,而应该使用装饰器 @keras。建议您检查代码并使用正确的创建方式来修复该错误。
typeerror: descriptors cannot not be created directly. if this call came fro
m a program or script, it means that there is an issue with the way descriptors are being created.
Descriptors are a way to define attributes in classes that allow special behaviors when accessing or assigning values to those attributes. They are typically used to control and validate data access.
The error message "TypeError: descriptors cannot be created directly" usually occurs when trying to directly create a descriptor object without using it within a class definition. Descriptors need to be defined as attributes in a class and then accessed through instances of that class.
To resolve this error, you need to make sure that you are defining your descriptors properly within a class structure. Here is an example of how to correctly define a descriptor:
class Descriptor:
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
# Define behavior when the attribute is accessed
return instance._value
def __set__(self, instance, value):
# Define behavior when the attribute is assigned a value
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Value cannot be negative")
instance._value = value
class MyClass:
attribute = Descriptor()
# Usage:
obj = MyClass()
obj.attribute = 10
print(obj.attribute) # Output: 10
obj.attribute = -5 # Raises ValueError
In this example, the `Descriptor` class defines the behavior of the `attribute` in `MyClass`. The `__get__` method specifies what happens when the attribute is accessed, and the `__set__` method specifies what happens when a value is assigned to the attribute.
Remember to always define descriptors within a class and access them through instances of that class to avoid the "TypeError: descriptors cannot be created directly" error.
TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly. If this call came from a _pb2.py file, your generated code is out of date and must be regenerated with protoc >= 3.19.0.
protoc --python_out=. your_proto_file.proto
pip install protobuf