时间: 2024-10-13 20:07:17 浏览: 37
SM4(Stream cipher(Message Block Chaining Message Authentication Code))是一种中国自主研发的对称密钥加密算法,常用于数据加密和完整性校验。Python中有许多库可以支持SM4,例如`pycryptodome`。下面是一个简单的例子,展示了如何使用`pycryptodome`库实现SM4的所有模式(ECB、CBC、CFB、CTR、OFB)。注意这只是一个基础示例,实际应用需要更严格的错误处理。
from Crypto.Cipher import SM4
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
# 密钥和初始向量
key = get_random_bytes(16) # SM4 key length is 16 bytes (128 bits)
iv = get_random_bytes(16) # IV length is also 16 bytes for CBC and CFB modes
# 创建SM4实例
cipher = SM4.SM4(key)
# ECB模式(电子密码本)
def encrypt_ebc(text):
padded_text = text + (b'\x00' * (len(text) % 16))
return cipher.encrypt(padded_text)
def decrypt_ebc(ciphertext):
ciphertext += b'\x00' * ((len(ciphertext) - len(text)) % 16) # Padding to match block size
return cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
# CBC模式
def encrypt_cbc(text, iv=iv):
ciphertext = b''
for i in range(0, len(text), 16): # Process in blocks
block = text[i:i+16]
encrypted_block = cipher.encrypt(block + iv[:16])
iv = encrypted_block[-16:] # Update IV with the last block of the previous step
ciphertext += encrypted_block[:-16] # Remove IV from the result
return ciphertext
# CBC模式解密类似encrypt_cbc
decrypt_cbc = lambda ciphertext, iv=iv: cipher.decrypt(ciphertext).rstrip(b'\x00')
# 其他模式(如CFB, CTR, OFB)的实现原理类似,但操作步骤稍有不同
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