使用math工具庫的函數,定義一個計算複利的函數“compound”計算以下公式:A=P(1 +rn)nt其中P是本金;r是年化利率;n是每年發放利息次數;t是年數︒請計算P= 1000,r= 0.05,n= 1,t= 10的數值,並把結果print出來︒
时间: 2024-10-03 16:04:45 浏览: 18
import math
def compound(P, r, n, t):
# 将年数t分解为总期数(每年的次数)
total_periods = n * t
# 计算复利公式 A = P * (1 + r/n)^nt
A = P * math.pow((1 + r / n), total_periods)
return A
# 给定的数值
principal = 1000
rate = 0.05 # 年化利率为5%
interest_times_per_year = 1
years = 10
# 调用函数并打印结果
result = compound(principal, rate, interest_times_per_year, years)
print(f"The final amount after {years} years with a principal of {principal}, annual interest rate of {rate*100}% ({interest_times_per_year} times per year) is: {result}")
设capital是最初的存款总额(即本金),rate是整存整取的存款年利率,n 是储蓄的年份,deposit是第n年年底账号里的存款总额。已知如下两种本利之和的计算方式: 按复利方式计息的本利之和计算公式为: 按普通计息方式计算本利之和的公式为: deposit = capital * (1 + rate * n) 编程从键盘输入存钱的本金、存款期限以及年利率,然后再输入按何种方式计息,最后再计算并输出到期时能从银行得到的本利之和,要求结果保留到小数点后4位。 提示:使用数学函数需要加入头文件 <math.h> 程序的运行结果示例1: Input rate, year, capital:0.0225,2,10000↙ Compound interest (Y/N)?Y deposit = 10455.0625 程序的运行结果示例2: Input rate, year, capital:0.0225,2,10000↙ Compound interest (Y/N)?n deposit = 10450.0000 输入提示信息:"Input rate, year, capital:" 输入提示信息:"Compound interest (Y/N)?" 本金、存款期限以及年利率的输入格式: "%lf,%d,%lf" 是否选择复利计算的输入格式: " %c" (注意:%c的前面有一个空格。输入的字符大小写皆可,即Y或y,N或n皆可) 输出格式:"deposit = %.4f\n"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
double capital, rate, deposit;
int n;
char choice;
printf("Input rate, year, capital:");
scanf("%lf,%d,%lf", &rate, &n, &capital);
printf("Compound interest (Y/N)?");
scanf(" %c", &choice);
if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'y') {
deposit = capital * pow(1 + rate, n);
} else {
deposit = capital * (1 + rate * n);
printf("deposit = %.4f\n", deposit);
return 0;
请将以下代码改成利用复合辛普森公式计算积分function integral=Compound_trapezoid() function y = f(x) y = x/(x^2 + 4); end a = 0; b = 1; n = 8; h = (b-a)/n; sum = 0; for i=1:n-1 sum = sum + f(a+i*h); end integral = h/2 * (f(a) + 2*sum + f(b)); disp([' ', num2str(integral)]); end
function integral = Compound_Simpson()
function y = f(x)
y = x/(x^2 + 4);
a = 0;
b = 1;
n = 8;
h = (b-a)/(2*n);
sum1 = 0;
sum2 = 0;
for i=1:n
sum1 = sum1 + f(a+(2*i-1)*h);
if i<n
sum2 = sum2 + f(a+2*i*h);
integral = h/3 * (f(a) + 4*sum1 + 2*sum2 + f(b));
disp([' ', num2str(integral)]);