时间: 2024-11-13 10:28:22 浏览: 26
`pairwise_tukeyhsd`是`statsmodels`库中的一个功能,用于进行多重比较后的Tukey HSD( Honestly Significant Difference)检验。如果你想要在Python中使用这个功能,首先你需要确保已经安装了`statsmodels`库,因为`pairwise_tukeyhsd`是它的一部分。
pip install statsmodels
conda install -c anaconda statsmodels
pip install statsmodels --upgrade
conda update statsmodels
pairwise_tukeyhsd() missing 1 required positional argument: 'groups'
`pairwise_tukeyhsd()` is a function from the `statsmodels.stats.multicomp` module that performs Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) test for multiple pairwise comparisons between group means. The error message you are seeing suggests that you did not provide the required argument `groups` when calling the function.
The `groups` argument should be a list or array-like object that specifies the group labels for each observation. For example, if you have three groups labeled "A", "B", and "C", and each group has 10 observations, you could create the `groups` array like this:
import numpy as np
groups = np.array(["A"] * 10 + ["B"] * 10 + ["C"] * 10)
Then you could call `pairwise_tukeyhsd()` with your data and the `groups` argument:
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
# data is a 1D array of numeric values
results = pairwise_tukeyhsd(data, groups)
Make sure that the length of your `groups` array matches the length of your data array, and that the group labels are in the correct order.
pairwise_tukeyhsd() missing 1 required positional argument: 'groups'中文回答
这个错误提示通常是因为在调用 `pairwise_tukeyhsd()` 函数时没有传递正确的参数。具体来说,这个函数需要传递两个参数:`groups` 和 `endog`,分别表示待比较的组和对应的因变量。请检查一下你的代码,确认是否正确传递了这两个参数,并且它们的值符合你的预期。如果还有疑问,可以贴出相关的代码,方便更好地帮助你解决问题。