时间: 2023-11-26 22:46:17 浏览: 79
The study focuses on the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) between the southeastern tropical IO and the central equatorial IO. The IOD typically starts in June and develops to the mature phase in September-November. During a positive IOD event, stronger southeast monsoon winds prevail off SumatraJava, lifting the thermocline and cooling the SST. The equatorial jet moves the western high-salinity water eastward, forming a high-salinity tongue. The measurement error of salinity is less than ±0.01 psu with delayed-mode correction.
1. 实验二中的汽车租赁系统V30需要满足面向对象编程,使用上转型对象和工厂模式,增加一个factory类。
2. 该系统中,顾客权限包括查看汽车信息和租车,车行管理员权限包括修改汽车信息、新增汽车和删除汽车。
3. 用户管理功能的实现需要使用接口继承完成顾客和车行管理员的类设计和实现,并在主类中实现不同权限用户的登录。