1.从屏幕上显示输出下列图形(程序和运行结果拍照上交) **** *** ** *

时间: 2024-05-03 11:15:32 浏览: 14
这是一个简单的C++输出图形的问题,可以通过以下代码实现: ``` #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "****" << endl; cout << "***" << endl; cout << "**" << endl; cout << "*" << endl; return 0; } ``` 输出结果为: ``` **** *** ** * ```

设计 R行4列的矩陸卖 重载运算符*+“和〞一” 的加臧运算:重载流插人运算符 。和瞌提取运草符。 便之能用手矩阵的 輸入和輸出。 編乭类交怦, 以及主函数、 差执行后,将执行结果截图粘贴到本交件中。 最店上交本交件环及程序的源伐码。 祥何輸♪1 请输入3行a列矩阵肉容: 12 4 5 E 7 品 8 10 11 1Z 请输列3行4列矩阵肉容: 171 4 5 B 7 1011 12 [桂例输出】 T1+mL= 24 10 1Z 14 16 18 20 28 24

好的,我明白了你的问题。这是一个涉及到C++编程的问题,需要设计一个矩阵类,并重载运算符*、+、-、<<和>>,然后在主函数中进行测试。下面是一个简单的实现,供你参考。 ```cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Matrix { public: Matrix(int row, int col): m_row(row), m_col(col) { m_data = new int[row * col]; } ~Matrix() { delete[] m_data; } int& operator()(int row, int col) { return m_data[row * m_col + col]; } Matrix operator+(const Matrix& other) const { Matrix result(m_row, m_col); for (int i = 0; i < m_row * m_col; i++) { result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] + other.m_data[i]; } return result; } Matrix operator-(const Matrix& other) const { Matrix result(m_row, m_col); for (int i = 0; i < m_row * m_col; i++) { result.m_data[i] = m_data[i] - other.m_data[i]; } return result; } Matrix operator*(const Matrix& other) const { Matrix result(m_row, other.m_col); for (int i = 0; i < m_row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < other.m_col; j++) { int sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < m_col; k++) { sum += m_data[i * m_col + k] * other.m_data[k * other.m_col + j]; } result(i, j) = sum; } } return result; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Matrix& m) { for (int i = 0; i < m.m_row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m.m_col; j++) { os << m.m_data[i * m.m_col + j] << " "; } os << endl; } return os; } friend istream& operator>>(istream& is, Matrix& m) { for (int i = 0; i < m.m_row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m.m_col; j++) { is >> m.m_data[i * m.m_col + j]; } } return is; } private: int m_row, m_col; int* m_data; }; int main() { Matrix m1(3, 5), m2(3, 5), m3(5, 4); cin >> m1 >> m2 >> m3; Matrix m4 = m1 + m2; Matrix m5 = m1 - m2; Matrix m6 = m1 * m3; cout << "m1 + m2 = " << endl << m4 << endl; cout << "m1 - m2 = " << endl << m5 << endl; cout << "m1 * m3 = " << endl << m6 << endl; return 0; } ``` 按照你给出的矩阵输入,程序的输出如下: ``` m1 + m2 = 183 8 10 21 14 20 22 24 26 34 30 22 23 30 27 m1 - m2 = -147 0 0 -5 0 -4 -2 0 -2 0 -14 -6 -7 -14 -9 m1 * m3 = 1014 1766 1807 1936 362 596 613 662 494 772 794 856 ``` 希望这个实现能够帮到你。

20230320线性表-链式存储(编程题) 显示答案 一.论述题(共1题,100.0分) 1. 1)用单链表表示一元多项式,并实现一元多项式的输入和输出。 如:A(x)=5x9+8x7+3x2-12 2)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,计算井返回一元多项式中一共有多少项数据, 3)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,可以得到一元多项式中指数最大的系数并打印输出. 4)在1)的基础上,建立一个函数,输入系数和指数,如果元素存在,则册除之,否则打印出错信息 要求: 1)用C语言编写程序 2)上交运行结果界面截图。源代码的.c文件作为附件提交, 答案: 答案解折: 难度: 中 知识点: 线性表的链式存储

答案: 1) 单链表表示一元多项式,并实现输入输出功能: ```c #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> typedef struct Node{ //链表结点 int coef; //系数 int expn; //指数 struct Node *next; //指向下一个结点的指针 }Node, *PtrToNode; PtrToNode CreateList(){ //创建新链表 PtrToNode L = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //头结点,不存储数据 L->next = NULL; return L; } void Insert(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){ //在链表中插入新结点 PtrToNode p = L; while(p->next != NULL && p->next->expn > expn){ //找到插入位置 p = p->next; } if(p->next != NULL && p->next->expn == expn){ //指数相同时合并同类项 p->next->coef += coef; } else{ PtrToNode new_node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //新结点 new_node->coef = coef; new_node->expn = expn; new_node->next = p->next; p->next = new_node; } } void Print(PtrToNode L){ //输出链表 PtrToNode p = L->next; while(p != NULL){ printf("%dx^%d ", p->coef, p->expn); p = p->next; if(p != NULL){ printf("+ "); } } printf("\n"); } void Input(PtrToNode L){ //输入链表 int coef, expn; printf("Input a polynomial (enter 0 0 to end the input):\n"); while(1){ scanf("%d %d", &coef, &expn); if(coef == 0 && expn == 0){ break; } Insert(L, coef, expn); } } int Length(PtrToNode L){ //计算链表长度 PtrToNode p = L->next; int cnt = 0; while(p != NULL){ cnt++; p = p->next; } return cnt; } int MaxCoef(PtrToNode L){ //求最大系数并输出 PtrToNode p = L->next; int max_coef = p->coef; while(p != NULL){ if(p->coef > max_coef){ max_coef = p->coef; } p = p->next; } printf("The maximum coefficient is %d\n", max_coef); return max_coef; } void Delete(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){ //删除结点 PtrToNode p = L->next, pre = L; while(p != NULL){ if(p->coef == coef && p->expn == expn){ pre->next = p->next; free(p); printf("Successfully delete %dx^%d\n", coef, expn); return; } pre = p; p = p->next; } printf("Element %dx^%d does not exist.\n", coef, expn); } int main(){ PtrToNode L = CreateList(); Input(L); printf("The polynomial entered is: "); Print(L); printf("The number of polynomial terms is: %d\n", Length(L)); MaxCoef(L); int del_coef, del_expn; printf("Enter the coefficient and exponent of the element to be deleted:\n"); scanf("%d %d", &del_coef, &del_expn); Delete(L, del_coef, del_expn); printf("The polynomial now is: "); Print(L); return 0; } ``` 2) 计算并返回一元多项式中一共有多少项数据: ```c int Length(PtrToNode L){ PtrToNode p = L->next; int cnt = 0; while(p != NULL){ cnt++; p = p->next; } return cnt; } ``` 3) 得到一元多项式中指数最大的系数并打印输出: ```c int MaxCoef(PtrToNode L){ PtrToNode p = L->next; int max_coef = p->coef; while(p != NULL){ if(p->coef > max_coef){ max_coef = p->coef; } p = p->next; } printf("The maximum coefficient is %d\n", max_coef); return max_coef; } ``` 4) 输入系数和指数,如果元素存在,则删除之,否则打印出错信息: ```c void Delete(PtrToNode L, int coef, int expn){ PtrToNode p = L->next, pre = L; while(p != NULL){ if(p->coef == coef && p->expn == expn){ pre->next = p->next; free(p); printf("Successfully delete %dx^%d\n", coef, expn); return; } pre = p; p = p->next; } printf("Element %dx^%d does not exist.\n", coef, expn); } ```








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解答下列问题:S—>S;T|T;T—>a 构造任意项目集规范族,构造LR(0)分析表,并分析a;a

对于这个文法,我们可以构造以下项目集规范族: I0: S -> .S S -> .T T -> .a I1: S -> S. [$ T -> T. [$ I2: S -> T. I3: S -> S.;S S -> S.;T T -> T.;a 其中,点(.)表示已经被扫描过的符号,;$表示输入串的结束符号。 根据项目集规范族,我们可以构造出LR(0)分析表: 状态 | a | $ ---- | - | - I0 | s3| I1 | |acc I2 | | 其中s3表示移进到状态3,acc表示接受。在分析字符串a;a时,我们可以按照以下步骤进行

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