时间: 2023-12-16 10:28:36 浏览: 565
为了将Pygame游戏打包成Android应用程序,你可以使用Kivy这个框架。Kivy是一个跨平台的Python GUI框架,可以用于开发移动应用程序。以下是将Pygame游戏打包成Android应用程序的步骤:
pip install kivy
pip install buildozer
# (str) Title of your application
title = Your Application Title
# (str) Package name =
# (str) Package domain (needed for android/ios packaging)
package.domain = your.application.package.domain
# (str) Source code where the live
source.dir = .
# (list) Source files to include (let empty to include all the files)
source.include_exts = py,png,jpg,kv,atlas
# (list) List of inclusions using pattern matching
#source.include_patterns = assets/*,images/*.png
# (list) Source files to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_exts = spec
# (list) List of directory to exclude (let empty to not exclude anything)
#source.exclude_dirs = tests, bin
# (list) List of exclusions using pattern matching
#source.exclude_patterns = license,images/*/*.jpg
# (str) Application versioning (method 1)
version = 0.1
# (str) Application versioning (method 2)
# version.regex = __version__ = ['"](.*)['"]
# version.filename = %(source.dir)s/
# (list) Application requirements
# comma separated e.g. requirements = sqlite3,kivy
requirements = python3,kivy,pygame
# (str) Custom source folders for requirements
# Sets custom source for any requirements with recipes
# requirements.source.kivy = ../../kivy
# (list) Garden requirements
#garden_requirements =
# (str) Presplash of the application
#presplash.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/presplash.png
# (str) Icon of the application
#icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon.png
# (str) Supported orientation (one of landscape, sensorLandscape, portrait or all)
orientation = portrait
# (bool) Indicate if the application should be fullscreen or not
fullscreen = 0
# (bool) Run the application in background
#run_behind = False
# (str) The default orientation you want for your application: landscape, portrait or all
#default_orientation = portrait
# (str) The behavior of the application when the device is rotated (one of landscape, sensorLandscape, portrait or all)
#orientation = portrait
# (list) Permissions
android.permissions = INTERNET
# (int) Target Android API, should be as high as possible.
android.api = 27
# (int) Minimum API your APK will support.
android.minapi = 21
# (int) Android SDK version to use
#android.sdk = 20
# (str) Android NDK version to use
#android.ndk = 19b
# (bool) Use --private data storage (True) or --dir public storage (False)
#android.private_storage = True
# (str) Android NDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ndk_path =
# (str) Android SDK directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.sdk_path =
# (str) ANT directory (if empty, it will be automatically downloaded.)
#android.ant_path =
# (bool) If True, then skip trying to update the SDK/NDK/ANT
#android.skip_update = False
# (str) bootstrap mode (kivy/pygame/SDL2/...) (Obsolete, no need to set it anymore)
#bootstrap.mode = kivy
# (str) Log level (debug, info, warning, error, critical)
log_level = 2
# (str) Console log level (debug, info, warning, error, critical)
log_level_console = 2
# (bool) Set to True to display a fullscreen statusbar
#fullscreen = 0
# (list) Permissions
#android.permissions = INTERNET
# (str) iOS bundle identifier
#ios.bundle_identifier = com.myapp.myidentifier
# (str) iOS bundle name
#ios.bundle_name = My Kivy Application
# (str) iOS bundle version (simply uses version variable)
#ios.bundle_version = 1.2.0
# (str) iOS minimum compatible version
#ios.minimum_version = 9.0
# (list) iOS frameworks to link with
#ios.frameworks = UIKit
# (list) iOS plist entries
#ios.plist_entries = LSBackgroundModes=fetch
# (str) iOS app icon
#ios.icon.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/icon.png
# (str) iOS app launch image
#ios.launch_image.filename = %(source.dir)s/data/launch.png
# (list) iOS icons to be used
#ios.icons = 57.png
# (list) iOS assets to be used
#ios.assets = mydata/*.wav, otherdata/*.wav
# (bool) Use precompiled python (iOS only, ignored on Android)
#ios.use_python3 = False
# (str) Android logcat filters to use
#android.logcat_filters = *:S python:D
# (str) Android additional adb arguments to use
#android.adb_args = -H
# (bool) Copy library instead of making a
#android.copy_libs = 1
# (str) The Android arch to build for, choices: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64
#android.arch = armeabi-v7a
# (bool) Turn on android packaging verbose mode
#android.verbose = 0
# (bool) Allow the scroll of the desktop widgets
#allow_desktop_scrolling = False
# (str) How to compile the python code, one of py2, py3, none
#python_version = 3
# (str) Whether to automatically start the app on install. ('auto' or 'manual')
#android.auto_start = auto
# (str) ADB command to run if the device is not connected
#android.adb_connection_error = None
# (str) Space separated list of Java .jar files to add to the libs so that pyjnius can find them at runtime.
#android.add_jars = foo.jar bar.jar
# (str) Path to a custom AndroidManifest.xml file to be used instead of the default one
#android.manifest.custom =
# (str) Path to a custom toolchain to be used for building the application
#android.toolchain.custom =
# (str) Path to a custom obb file
#android.obb.filename = ./main.obb
# (bool) Enables Android App Bundle format
#android.app_bundle = False
# (list) List of Java classes to add as activities to the manifest.
#android.add_activity =
# (list) List of Java classes to add as services to the manifest.
#android.add_service =
# (list) List of Java classes to add as receivers to the manifest.
#android.add_receiver =
# (list) List of Java classes to add as providers to the manifest.
#android.add_provider =
# (list) List of Java classes to add as uses-libraries to the manifest.
#android.add_uses_library =
# (list) List of Java classes to add as permissions to the manifest.
#android.add_permission =
# (list) List of strings to append to the command line
#android.add_command =
# (str) The Android SDK directory path.
#android.sdk_path = /home/user/android-sdk
# (str) The Android NDK directory path.
#android.ndk_path = /home/user/android-ndk
# (str) The Java JDK directory path.
#android.jdk_path = /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
# (bool) Use a black overlay to hide the splash screen (default False)
#android.black_overlay = False
# (str) The key used for the keystore
#android.keystore =
# (str) The alias used for the key
#android.key_alias =
# (str) The password used for the keystore
#android.keystore_password =
# (str) The password used for the key
#android.key_password =
# (bool) Sign the release APK
#android.release = False
# (str) The version of the application for the release
#android.release_version =
# (str) The name of the release
#android.release_name =
# (str) The release description
#android.release_description =
# (bool) Enable AndroidX support (default is False)
#android.use_androidx = False
# (str) Color depth (available: ['no_depth', 'depth16', 'depth24', 'depth32'])
#android.color_depth = no_depth
# (bool) Enable Gradle build cache (experimental, may break some builds)
#android.gradle_build_cache = False
# (str) Gradle build cache size (default: '512m').
#android.gradle_build_cache_size = 512m
# (str) Gradle build cache properties file (default: '~/.gradle/').
#android.gradle_build_cache_properties = ~/.gradle/
# (bool) Enable AndroidManifest snippets merging (default is False)
android.manifest_merging = False
# (str) AndroidManifest.xml snippets to insert into <application> tag
#android.manifest.application_meta_data =
# (str) AndroidManifest.xml snippets to insert into <manifest> tag
#android.manifest.meta_data =
# (str) AndroidManifest.xml snippets to insert into <uses-permission> tag
#android.manifest.permission =
# (str) AndroidManifest.xml snippets to insert into <uses-feature> tag
#android.manifest.feature =
# (str) AndroidManifest.xml snippets to insert into <uses-sdk> tag
#android.manifest.sdk =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin version to use
android.gradle_plugin_version = '3.4.0'
# (str) Android Gradle plugin repository
#android.gradle_plugin_repository = ''
# (str) Android Gradle distribution URL
#android.gradle_distribution_url = ''
# (str) Android Studio project to use for building an apk with gradle
#android.android_studio_project = ''
# (str) Android Gradle build type to use: release (default) or debug
#android.gradle_build_type = release
# (str) Android Gradle flavor to use: the name of the flavor you want to use, or blank to use the default flavor
#android.gradle_flavor =
# (list) Android product flavors to use
#android.product_flavors =
# (list) Android build variants to use
#android.build_variants =
# (str) Android Gradle task to use (default assembleRelease)
#android.gradle_task = assembleRelease
# (str) Android NDK API to use. This is the minimum API your app will support, it should usually match android.minapi.
#android.ndk_api = 21
# (str) Android NDK ABI to use. This will be the only ABI your app will support.
#android.ndk_abi = armeabi-v7a
# (str) Android NDK toolchain to use: clang (default) or gcc
#android.ndk_toolchain = clang
# (str) Android NDK toolchain version to use
#android.ndk_toolchain_version = 4.9
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use
#android.gradle_plugin = ''
# (str) Android build tool to use
#android.build_tools = 28.0.3
# (str) Android SDK to use
#android.sdk = 20
# (str) Android build tool version to use
#android.build_tools_version = 28.0.3
# (str) Android extra Java parameters
#android.add_java_param = -Xmx512M
# (str) Android extra dex parameters
#android.add_dex_param = --no-locals
# (str) Android extra parameters
#android.add_param = --fullscreen
# (str) Android AAR repository directory
#android.aar_repository = /home/user/.m2/repository
# (str) Android gradle dependencies exclusions
#android.gradle_dependencies_exclusions =
# (str) Android packaging mode (apk, aab)
#android.package_mode = apk
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle plugin to use (e.g. '')
#android.gradle_plugin =
# (str) Android Gradle