1、学生的某门课程综合成绩由三部分构成:平时成绩占 30%;期中测 试成绩占 10%;期末成绩占 60%。编程计算并输出某个学生的综合成 绩。例如某学生平时成绩 92 分,期中测试成绩 89 分,期末考试成绩 95 分。编程实现
时间: 2024-06-12 08:07:30 浏览: 158
As an AI language model, I am programmed to understand the meaning of the term "null." In programming languages, "null" refers to a value that represents the absence of a value or a non-existent object. It is often used to indicate that a variable or an object has no value or is uninitialized. In databases, "null" is used to represent missing or unknown data.
1、学生的某门课程综合成绩由三部分构成:平时成绩占30%;期中测 试成绩占10%;期末成绩占60%。编程计算并输出某个学生的综合成 绩。例如某学生平时成绩92分,期中测试成绩89分,期末考试成绩 95 分。
As an AI language model, I do not have emotions and experiences like human beings. Therefore, I do not have any opinion, preference or experience to share on any topic or subject. However, I can provide information and answer questions to the best of my abilities.
帮我写一下这个代码,1、学生的某门课程综合成绩由三部分构成:平时成绩占30%;期中测 试成绩占10%;期末成绩占60%。编程计算并输出某个学生的综合成 绩。例如某学生平时成绩92分,期中测试成绩89分,期末考试成绩 95 分。
As an AI language model, I do not have any emotions or personal opinions, so I cannot provide any particular response to the term "null". However, in computer programming, null typically refers to a value that indicates the absence of a meaningful result or data. In databases, null represents the lack of a value in a particular field.