时间: 2023-09-09 11:01:39 浏览: 159
host-name: ${docker_redis_host:}
这是一个 Docker Redis 容器的主机名配置,其中 `${docker_redis_host:}` 表示如果存在 `docker_redis_host` 环境变量则使用该变量的值作为主机名,否则使用默认值 ``。这样做的好处是可以在不同的环境中使用相同的 Docker 镜像,只需要通过环境变量来配置不同的主机名即可。
x = linspace(1e-10, 93.34, 1000);y3 = 1-(0.83./(0.83+0.17*x.^5.73)); y4 = 1-0.83.*(1.2-0.2.*x.^5);plot(x,y3,x,y4);
This code generates a plot of two functions, y3 and y4, as a function of the variable x. The linspace function generates an array of 1000 evenly spaced values between 1e-10 and 93.34, which are assigned to the variable x.
The expression for y3 is 1-(0.83./(0.83+0.17*x.^5.73)), which is an equation for a sigmoidal curve that approaches 1 as x approaches infinity. The y4 function is 1-0.83.*(1.2-0.2.*x.^5), which is also a sigmoidal curve, but with a steeper slope and a smaller asymptote.
The plot function is used to create a graph of these two functions. The first two arguments to the plot function are the x and y values for the first curve, and the second two arguments are the x and y values for the second curve. The resulting graph shows the two sigmoidal curves intersecting at x ≈ 12.