[vuex] unknown mutation type: selectMenu
时间: 2023-04-10 07:01:35 浏览: 243
这是一个技术问题,我可以回答。这个错误通常是由于在 Vuex store 中没有定义名为 selectMenu 的 mutation 导致的。您需要在 store 中定义该 mutation,或者检查您的代码是否正确地调用了该 mutation。
[vuex] unknown mutation type: updateNodeData
这个错误通常出现在使用 Vuex 进行状态管理时,您在提交 mutation 的时候使用了一个不存在的 mutation type,即 updateNodeData。这个错误提示说明您需要在 Vuex 的 mutation 中定义一个名为 updateNodeData 的 mutation,或者确认您在提交 mutation 的时候使用了正确的 mutation type。
您可以在 Vuex 的 mutation 中定义一个 updateNodeData mutation,例如:
mutations: {
updateNodeData(state, payload) {
state.nodeData = payload
然后在提交 mutation 的时候使用正确的 mutation type,例如:
this.$store.commit('updateNodeData', newData)
[vuex] unknown mutation type: count
This error message is related to Vuex, which is a state management library for Vue.js.
It means that you are trying to commit a mutation that does not exist in your store. In this case, you are trying to commit a mutation called "count", but it is not defined in your store.
To fix this error, you should check your store's mutations and make sure that "count" is defined. You can define it like this:
mutations: {
count(state, payload) {
state.count += payload;
Make sure that you are also calling the mutation correctly in your component. For example, if you want to add 1 to the count, you can do it like this:
this.$store.commit('count', 1);
This will call the "count" mutation and pass in a payload of 1. The mutation will update the state by adding 1 to the current count.