时间: 2023-08-13 10:03:58 浏览: 507
目前来说,Python 3.10 还不支持 MKL-FFT 1.1.0。MKL-FFT 1.1.0 要求的 NumPy 版本是 1.20.3,而 Python 3.10 目前使用的 NumPy 版本是 1.21.0。如果您需要使用 MKL-FFT 1.1.0,可以考虑降低 NumPy 的版本,或者等待 Python 3.10 更新 NumPy 版本后再使用 MKL-FFT 1.1.0。
是的,Python 3.9 支持 MKL-FFT 1.1.0。MKL-FFT 1.1.0 要求的 NumPy 版本是 1.20.3,而 Python 3.9 默认安装的 NumPy 版本是 1.19.3,可以兼容 MKL-FFT 1.1.0。如果您需要使用 MKL-FFT 1.1.0,可以在 Python 3.9 中安装该包并正常使用。
No matching distribution found for mkl-fft==1.3.0
This error message indicates that the package manager was unable to find a compatible distribution of the "mkl-fft" package with version 1.3.0. This could be due to a few reasons:
1. The package may not exist in the package repository you are using.
2. The package may exist, but not with version 1.3.0.
3. There may be compatibility issues with other packages or dependencies in your environment.
To resolve this issue, you can try the following:
1. Check if the package exists in the repository you are using. If not, try using a different repository or installing the package manually.
2. Check if a different version of the package is available. If so, install the compatible version.
3. Check for any compatibility issues with other packages or dependencies. You may need to update or uninstall certain packages to resolve these issues.