PEP 8: E401 multiple imports on one line ;1
时间: 2024-04-10 21:28:57 浏览: 120
PEP 8是Python编码风格指南,其中E401表示"一行上有多个导入语句"。这条规则建议每个导入语句都应该独占一行,以提高代码的可读性。在导入多个模块时,应该将每个模块的导入语句分开写,每个导入语句占一行。这样做可以使代码更清晰、易于阅读和维护。如果你在代码中违反了这条规则,你可以将每个导入语句单独放在一行上来遵循PEP 8的要求。
PEP 8: E401 multiple imports on one line
PEP 8 is a style guide for Python code, and E401 is one of the error codes in PEP 8. This error code indicates that there are multiple imports on one line of code, which can make the code harder to read and maintain. To fix this error, you should split the imports onto separate lines, each with its own import statement. For example, instead of writing:
import os, sys
You should write:
import os
import sys
This makes the code easier to read and understand, and helps ensure that each import statement is clear and concise.
PEP 8: E401 multiple imports on one line是什么错误
PEP 8是Python代码的风格指南,而E401是PEP 8中的一个错误代码。这个错误代码表示在一行代码中有多个导入语句,这可能会使代码更难阅读和维护。为了解决这个错误,你应该将导入语句拆分为单独的行,每个行都有自己的导入语句。例如,你应该这样写,而不是写:
import os, sys
import os
import sys