Error in cor(data_factor) : 'x' must be numeric
时间: 2024-05-22 18:16:06 浏览: 282
This error message is indicating that the function cor() is being applied to a non-numeric dataset, which is not allowed. The cor() function is used to calculate the correlation between two numeric variables.
To resolve this error, the dataset needs to be converted to a numeric format before applying the cor() function. This can be done by using the as.numeric() function to convert the data to a numeric format.
Alternatively, if there are non-numeric variables in the dataset that are not needed for the correlation calculation, they can be removed using subsetting or by selecting only the numeric variables in the dataset.
mycorr <- cor(data) Error in cor(data) : 'x'必需为数值
这个错误提示意味着你的输入数据必须是数值型的。你提供给 `cor()` 函数的 `data` 变量可能不是数值型的,而是字符型或其他类型的数据。请确保你的输入数据是数值型的,并且每个变量之间有足够的数量级差异,以避免出现奇异矩阵或其他数值问题。你可以使用 `as.numeric()` 函数将数据转换为数值型,例如:`mycorr <- cor(as.numeric(data))`。
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[5], line 13 11 row_cent1 = cor_row_center[cor_ind] 12 col_cent1 = cor_col_center[cor_ind] ---> 13 img_corner = data_mat1[(row_cent1-N_pad): (row_cent1+N_pad+1), (col_cent1-N_pad): (col_cent1+N_pad+1) ] 14 if ((len(np.unique(img_corner))) >2)&(np.sum(img_corner ==1)< 0.8*(N_pad*2+1)**2) : 16 for pic_id2 in search_list: TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
这个错误可能是由于 `row_cent1` 或 `col_cent1` 的值不是整型导致的。可以在调用 `int()` 函数将其强制转换成整型,例如:
img_corner = data_mat1[int(row_cent1-N_pad): int(row_cent1+N_pad+1), int(col_cent1-N_pad): int(col_cent1+N_pad+1)]
这样就可以将 `row_cent1` 和 `col_cent1` 强制转换成整型,避免这个错误。