python调用vector can
时间: 2023-10-01 18:05:59 浏览: 242
要在Python中调用Vector CAN,您需要安装Vector CAN驱动程序和Vector CAN API。Vector CAN API是一个C库,可以通过Python的ctypes模块在Python中调用。以下是使用Vector CAN API在Python中读取CAN数据的基本示例:
import ctypes
# Load the Vector CAN API library
canlib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("vcanlib.dll")
# Open a CAN channel
can_handle = canlib.canOpenChannel(0, canlib.canOPEN_ACCEPT_VIRTUAL)
# Set the bitrate
canlib.canSetBusParams(can_handle, canlib.canBITRATE_500K, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# Start the CAN channel
# Read data from the CAN channel
while True:
msg = canlib.TPCANMsg()
result = canlib.canRead(can_handle, ctypes.byref(msg), None)
if result == canlib.canOK:
print("Received CAN message - ID:", msg.ID, "Data:", msg.DATA)
请注意,此示例假定您已经安装了Vector CAN驱动程序和Vector CAN API,并且已将vcanlib.dll添加到系统路径中。您还需要根据您的CAN硬件配置和要读取的数据的CAN ID进行适当的配置。