spring-boot-starter-actuator documentationPluginsBootstrapper
时间: 2024-03-27 10:32:47 浏览: 132
spring-boot-starter-actuator是Spring Boot框架中的一个模块,它提供了一组用于监控和管理应用程序的功能。它可以帮助开发人员更好地了解应用程序的运行状况,并提供了一些有用的端点(endpoints)来获取应用程序的健康状况、性能指标等信息。
6、(2.5分)Spring Boot中的核心模块是什么 A、 spring-boot-starter B、 spring-boot-actuator C、spring-boot-autoconfigure D、 spring-boot-cli
A、spring-boot-starter。spring-boot-starter是Spring Boot中的核心模块,它提供了一系列的starter,可以方便地引入常用的依赖。例如,要使用Spring MVC,可以引入spring-boot-starter-web;要使用JPA,可以引入spring-boot-starter-data-jpa等。spring-boot-starter的设计思想是约定大于配置,通过提供常用的starter,使得开发者可以快速地构建应用程序。spring-boot-actuator提供了应用程序的监控和管理功能,spring-boot-autoconfigure提供了自动配置功能,spring-boot-cli是Spring Boot的命令行工具。
Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot that provides a set of production-ready features to help you monitor and manage your application when it's deployed in production. The spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency provides all the necessary dependencies to use the Actuator features in your Spring Boot application, such as:
1. Health checks: Provides information about the health of your application.
2. Metrics: Provides information about various metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, request counts, etc.
3. Auditing: Provides information about the activity of your application such as who accessed a specific endpoint and when.
4. Tracing: Provides information about the requests and their flow through your application.
5. Management: Provides endpoints to manage your application, such as shutting it down or restarting it.
By including the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency in your project, you can easily enable and configure these Actuator features in your application.