时间: 2024-06-07 08:03:28 浏览: 121
1. 外层foreach循环嵌套内层foreach循环
<select id="selectUserOrders" resultMap="orderResultMap">
select * from orders o
<foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" separator="or">
o.user_id = #{userId}
and o.status = #{status}
<foreach collection="orders" item="order" index="index" open=" and (" separator=" or " close=")">
o.order_id = #{order.orderId}
2. 外层foreach循环嵌套if条件语句
<select id="selectUserOrders" resultMap="orderResultMap">
select * from orders o
<foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" separator="or">
o.user_id = #{userId}
<if test="status != null">
and o.status = #{status}
<if test="orders != null and orders.size() > 0">
and (
<foreach collection="orders" item="order" index="index" separator=" or ">
o.order_id = #{order.orderId}
3. 外层foreach循环嵌套where条件语句
<select id="selectUserOrders" resultMap="orderResultMap">
select * from orders o
<foreach collection="userIds" item="userId" separator="or">
o.user_id = #{userId}
<if test="orders != null and orders.size() > 0">
and (
<foreach collection="orders" item="order" index="index" separator=" or ">
o.order_id = #{order.orderId}
<if test="status != null">
and o.status = #{status}