时间: 2024-04-24 22:24:58 浏览: 176
outv = cv2.VideoWriter("Tracked-" + str(arg['video']), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), int(cap.get(5)), (int(cap.get(3)), int(cap.get(4))))
将下面matlab代码function [channel] = preRun(acqResults, settings)%% Initialize all channels ================================================ channel = []; % Clear, create the structure channel.PRN = 0; % PRN number of the tracked satellite channel.acquiredFreq = 0; % Used as the center frequency of the NCO channel.codePhase = 0; % Position of the C/A start channel.codeFreq = 0; % Used as the center frequency of the code NCO channel.status = '-'; % Mode/status of the tracking channel % "-" - "off" - no signal to track % "T" - Tracking state %--- Copy initial data to all channels ------------------------------------ channel = repmat(channel, 1, settings.numberOfChannels); %% Copy acquisition results =============================================== %--- Sort peaks to find strongest signals, keep the peak index information [~, PRNindexes] = sort(acqResults.peakMetric, 2, 'descend'); %--- Load information about each satellite -------------------------------- % Maximum number of initialized channels is number of detected signals, but % not more as the number of channels specified in the settings. for ii = 1:min([settings.numberOfChannels, sum(acqResults.carrFreq ~= 0)]) channel(ii).PRN = PRNindexes(ii); channel(ii).acquiredFreq = acqResults.carrFreq(PRNindexes(ii)); channel(ii).codePhase = acqResults.codePhase(PRNindexes(ii)); channel(ii).codeFreq = settings.codeFreqBasis + ... (channel(ii).acquiredFreq - settings.IF)/... settings.carrFreqBasis * settings.codeFreqBasis; % Set tracking into mode (there can be more modes if needed e.g. pull-in) channel(ii).status = 'T'; end转成python
以下是将该 MATLAB 代码转换为 Python 的代码:
import numpy as np
def preRun(acqResults, settings):
# Initialize all channels
channel = {}
channel['PRN'] = 0
channel['acquiredFreq'] = 0
channel['codePhase'] = 0
channel['codeFreq'] = 0
channel['status'] = '-'
# Copy initial data to all channels
channel = [channel] * settings['numberOfChannels']
# Copy acquisition results
# Sort peaks to find strongest signals, keep the peak index information
PRNindexes = np.argsort(acqResults['peakMetric'])[::-1]
# Load information about each satellite
# Maximum number of initialized channels is number of detected signals, but
# not more as the number of channels specified in the settings.
for ii in range(min(settings['numberOfChannels'], sum(acqResults['carrFreq'] != 0))):
channel[ii]['PRN'] = PRNindexes[ii]
channel[ii]['acquiredFreq'] = acqResults['carrFreq'][PRNindexes[ii]]
channel[ii]['codePhase'] = acqResults['codePhase'][PRNindexes[ii]]
channel[ii]['codeFreq'] = settings['codeFreqBasis'] + \
(channel[ii]['acquiredFreq'] - settings['IF']) / \
settings['carrFreqBasis'] * settings['codeFreqBasis']
# Set tracking into mode (there can be more modes if needed e.g. pull-in)
channel[ii]['status'] = 'T'
return channel
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "classifier.add_block.0.weight", "classifier.add_block.0.bias", "classifier.add_block.1.weight", "classifier.add_block.1.bias", "classifier.add_block.1.running_mean", "classifier.add_block.1.running_var", "classifier.add_block.1.num_batches_tracked", "classifier.classifier.0.weight", "classifier.classifier.0.bias".