SELECT * FROM redeem_code WHERE serverId='nobody_dev' AND redeemType='1' ORDER BY batch ASC;如何每个batch都只返回一条数据
时间: 2024-12-23 20:23:05 浏览: 9
上述SQL语句已经按照`batch`字段升序排列了(`ORDER BY batch ASC`),如果每个`batch`只想返回一条数据,那么你需要使用一种称为“分组”的技术来保证。但是,由于`SELECT *`会选取所有列,如果一个`batch`中有多个满足条件的行,它会全部返回。如果你只需要每个`batch`的一条代表数据,可以考虑使用`LIMIT`或者`OFFSET`配合`ROW_NUMBER()`。
WITH ranked_codes AS (
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY batch ORDER BY created_at) as rn
FROM redeem_code
WHERE serverId = 'nobody_dev' AND redeemType = '1'
SELECT * FROM ranked_codes
WHERE rn = 1;
SELECT a.goods_code goodsCode, a.goods_name goodsName, a.goods_price goodsPrice, a.original_price originalPrice, IFNULL( a.initial_sales, 0 )+ IFNULL( a.real_sales, 0 ) sales, a.thumbnail, CASE WHEN a.exchange_type IS NULL OR a.exchange_type = 0 THEN '不限制' ELSE a.exchange_number END exchangeTypeName, (SELECT MIN(b.redeem_points) redeem_points FROM goods_attr_info b WHERE a.goods_code = b.goods_code ) redeem_points, CASE WHEN (SELECT MIN(b.inventory_number) <= 10 FROM goods_attr_info b WHERE a.goods_code = b.goods_code AND b.inventory_type = 1) THEN CONCAT('剩余',MIN(b.inventory_number),'件') ELSE '' END inventoryNumber FROM goods_main_info a WHERE a.goods_status = 1 这断sql改造成上述语句
可以使用以下 SQL 语句实现:
SELECT a.goods_code AS goodsCode,
a.goods_name AS goodsName,
a.goods_price AS goodsPrice,
a.original_price AS originalPrice,
IFNULL(a.initial_sales, 0) + IFNULL(a.real_sales, 0) AS sales,
CASE WHEN a.exchange_type IS NULL OR a.exchange_type = 0 THEN '不限制'
ELSE a.exchange_number END AS exchangeTypeName,
(SELECT MIN(b.redeem_points)
FROM goods_attr_info b
WHERE a.goods_code = b.goods_code) AS redeem_points,
CASE WHEN (SELECT MIN(b.inventory_number)
FROM goods_attr_info b
WHERE a.goods_code = b.goods_code AND b.inventory_type = 1) <= 10
THEN CONCAT('剩余', MIN(b.inventory_number), '件')
ELSE '' END AS inventoryNumber
FROM goods_main_info a
WHERE a.goods_status = 1;
这个语句的逻辑与之前的语句相同,只是将子查询部分的逻辑拆分出来,分别使用了两个子查询来计算 `redeem_points` 和 `inventoryNumber`,并且使用了 `CASE WHEN` 语句来判断是否需要输出 `inventoryNumber`。
for i,row in test_offline.iterrows()在python中用该语句添加从2014901到2014931的report_date total_purchase_amt total_redeem_amt
在Python的pandas库中,`for i, row in test_offline.iterrows()`是一个常见的用于迭代DataFrame行的循环结构。当你想对DataFrame `test_offline` 中每个包含`report_date`, `total_purchase_amt` 和 `total_redeem_amt` 列的行执行特定操作时,你可以这样做:
# 假设test_offline是一个已存在的DataFrame
start_date = 2014901
end_date = 2014931
# 首先,检查日期范围内的数据是否已在DataFrame内
if start_date <= test_offline['report_date'].min() or end_date >= test_offline['report_date'].max():
# 使用条件判断并更新指定行的数据
for i, row in test_offline.loc[(test_offline['report_date'] >= start_date) & (test_offline['report_date'] <= end_date)].iterrows():
# 这里假设total_purchase_amt和total_redeem_amt需要加上新的值
# 新增的值可以赋给row['total_purchase_amt']和row['total_redeem_amt']
row['total_purchase_amt'] += 新购金额 # 你需要提供具体的数值
row['total_redeem_amt'] += 新赎回金额 # 同样提供具体的数值
# 更新后的行可以保存回原始DataFrame,如:[i, ['total_purchase_amt', 'total_redeem_amt']] = row[['total_purchase_amt', 'total_redeem_amt']]