function [t,s] = specxture(f) %SPECXTURE Computes self-correlation of an image. % [SRAD, SANG, S] = SPECXTURE(F) computes SRAD, the spectral energy % distribution as a function of radius from the center of the % spectrum, SANG, the spectral energy distribution as a function of % angle for 0 to 180 degrees in increments of 1 degree, and S = % log(1 + spectrum of f), normalized to the range [0, 1]. The % maximum value of radius is min(M,N), where M and N are the number % of rows and columns of image (region) f. Thus, SRAD is a row % vector of length = (min(M, N)/2) - 1; and SANG is a row vector of % length 180. s = abs(fft2(f)).^2; %imshow(f,[]);figure;mesh(S); [M, N] = size(s); % Maximum radius that guarantees a circle centered at (x0, y0) that % does not exceed the boundaries of S. rmax = min(M, N); [U,V]=meshgrid(1:rmax,1:rmax); S = s(1:rmax,1:rmax); % Compute isotropy SU = U.^2.*S; SU = sum(SU(:)); SV = V.^2.*S; SV = sum(SV(:)); SUV = U.*V.*S; SUV = sum(SUV(:)); iso = (SU-SV)/sqrt((SU+SV)^2-4.*SUV);%方向 w = 1/sqrt((SU+SV)/sum(S(:)));%相关长度 s = log(s); t(1) = w; t(2) = iso;转为pyhton代码
时间: 2024-03-19 10:45:53 浏览: 135
抱歉,我是一个自然语言处理模型,无法直接将 MATLAB 代码转换为 Python 代码。不过,您可以使用 MATLAB 的 Python API 或者手动将代码转换为 Python 代码。以下是手动转换的 Python 代码:
import numpy as np
def specxture(f):
s = np.abs(np.fft.fft2(f)) ** 2
M, N = s.shape
rmax = min(M, N)
U, V = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, rmax + 1), np.arange(1, rmax + 1))
S = s[0:rmax, 0:rmax]
SU = np.sum(U ** 2 * S)
SV = np.sum(V ** 2 * S)
SUV = np.sum(U * V * S)
iso = (SU - SV) / np.sqrt((SU + SV) ** 2 - 4 * SUV)
w = 1 / np.sqrt((SU + SV) / np.sum(S))
s = np.log(1 + s) / np.max(np.log(1 + s))
return w, iso, s
这里采用了 NumPy 库中的函数来进行数组操作和傅里叶变换。注意,在 Python 中,除法符号 `/` 的行为与 MATLAB 中略有不同,需要根据需要使用 `/` 或 `//`,以及在函数开头加上 `from __future__ import division` 来进行精确除法。