时间: 2024-10-27 19:05:15 浏览: 39
在汇编语言中编写这样的程序会涉及到内存操作、算术运算以及控制转移等基本指令。以下是一个简单的示例,使用x86汇编语言(针对Intel体系架构),假设我们使用MASM (Microsoft Assembler) 编程:
; x86 assembly for a basic calculator in DOS
section .data
prompt db 'Please enter six numbers (1-4 digits): ',0
sum_msg db 'Sum is: ',0
binary_msg db 'Sum in binary is: ',0
count_ones db 'Number of ones: ',0
buffer db 7 dup(?) ; buffer to store the input and converted value
error db 'Invalid number. Please try again.',0
newline db 0Ah,0Dh,''
section .bss
result resd 1 ; reserve space for the result and count of ones
section .text
global _start
; Display prompt
mov ah, 9
lea dx, prompt
int 21h
; Read inputs and sum
mov ah, 1 ; function to read character
int 21h ; call dos interrupt
cmp al, '0' ; check if digit entered
jl invalid_num ; less than '0'
cmp al, '9' ; check if digit entered
jg invalid_num ; greater than '9'
stosb ; store the digit into buffer
; Check for end of input
cmp byte [buffer], '$'
je convert_sum ; reached the end, convert to decimal and sum
jmp read_loop ; continue reading if more digits
; Handle invalid input and loop back to start
lea dx, error
mov ah, 9
int 21h
jmp read_loop
; Convert buffer to decimal and calculate sum
mov di, buffer ; point to first digit
xor ax, ax ; clear accumulator
mov cx, 0 ; initialize counter for digits
mov bx, 10 ; set divisor for each digit
sub al, '0' ; convert ASCII to number
mul bx ; multiply current sum by 10
add ax, [di] ; add the digit
inc cx ; increment digit counter
inc di ; move to next digit
cmp byte [di], '$' ; check if end of buffer
jnz convert_digit ; continue if not at end
; Store the sum in memory
mov [result], ax
; Calculate number of ones
xor eax, eax ; reset EAX for counting
mov edi, [result] ; point to the sum
mov dl, [edi]
shr dl, 1 ; divide by 2 to look at last bit
adc eax, eax ; add if carry from previous bit (1)
dec edi ; move to the next bit
cmp edi, 0 ; check if all bits are counted
jnz count_ones_loop
; Output results
lea dx, sum_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ax, [result]
call print_number ; custom function to print a decimal number
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 9
int 21h
lea dx, binary_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
call print_binary ; custom function to print a binary number
lea dx, count_ones_msg
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov eax, [result]
call print_count_ones ; custom function to print the count of ones
; Exit program
mov ah, 4Ch
xor al, al
int 21h
; Custom helper functions (implement these separately)
; Your code here to print an unsigned integer
; Your code here to convert and print the sum as binary
; Your code here to print the count of ones
; ... (implementation of the custom functions)
请注意,上述代码只是一个框架,并未包含打印函数的详细实现。你需要实现`print_number`、`print_binary` 和 `print_count_ones` 这三个辅助函数来完成实际的数字显示。同时,这只是一个非常基础的版本,对于复杂的错误处理和边界条件检查可能会需要进一步完善。