时间: 2023-08-27 09:07:04 浏览: 90
1. 添加NPOI引用:在Visual Studio中,右键单击项目,选择“管理NuGet程序包”,搜索NPOI并安装。
2. 导入命名空间:在代码文件中添加以下命名空间引用:
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; // for *.xls files
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; // for *.xlsx files
using NPOI.SS.UserModel; // for both *.xls and *.xlsx files
3. 加载Excel文件:使用以下代码打开Excel文件:
string filePath = @"C:\Sample.xlsx"; // file path of the Excel file
IWorkbook workbook; // initialize the workbook variable
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
if (Path.GetExtension(filePath) == ".xls")
workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileStream); // for *.xls files
workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fileStream); // for *.xlsx files
4. 读取工作表和行:使用以下代码读取工作表和行:
ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); // get the first worksheet
IRow row = sheet.GetRow(0); // get the first row
5. 读取单元格值:使用以下代码读取单元格值:
string cellValue = row.GetCell(0).ToString(); // get the value of the first cell in the first row
6. 循环读取单元格值:使用以下代码循环读取单元格值:
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++)
row = sheet.GetRow(i); // get the i-th row
if (row != null)
for (int j = 0; j < row.LastCellNum; j++)
string cellValue = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); // get the value of the j-th cell in the i-th row
// do something with the cell value