William H. Inmon 出版数据有哪些
时间: 2024-05-25 08:13:11 浏览: 247
William H. Inmon 是一位著名的数据仓库专家,他出版了很多关于数据仓库和商业智能方面的书籍,以下是一些他的代表性著作:
1. Building the Data Warehouse: The Complete Guide to Designing, Developing, and Deploying a Successful DW (第4版)
2. Mastering the SAP Business Information Warehouse: Leveraging the Business Intelligence Capabilities of SAP NetWeaver
3. Data Warehousing Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Guide for IT Professionals
4. DW 2.0: The Architecture for the Next Generation of Data Warehousing
5. Managing the Data Warehouse: Practical Techniques, Tips, and Advice, Second Edition