uvm example code of Harness Interface code include apb and axi interface
时间: 2024-05-12 21:19:57 浏览: 136
Here is an example of a UVM testbench harness interface code for APB and AXI interfaces:
// APB interface
interface apb_if (
input PCLK,
input PRESETn,
input PADDR,
input [31:0] PWDATA,
input PWRITE,
input PSEL,
input PENABLE,
output [31:0] PRDATA,
output PREADY,
output PSLVERR
// AXI interface
interface axi_if (
input aclk,
input aresetn,
input [31:0] awaddr,
input [7:0] awlen,
input [2:0] awsize,
input [1:0] awburst,
input [3:0] awid,
input [31:0] awuser,
input awvalid,
output awready,
input [31:0] wdata,
input [3:0] wstrb,
input [31:0] wuser,
input wlast,
input wvalid,
output wready,
output [1:0] bresp,
output bvalid,
input bready,
input [31:0] araddr,
input [7:0] arlen,
input [2:0] arsize,
input [1:0] arburst,
input [3:0] arid,
input [31:0] aruser,
input arvalid,
output arready,
output [31:0] rdata,
output [1:0] rresp,
output rlast,
output rvalid,
input rready
// Harness interface code here