属性驱动设计(Attribute-Driven Design的步骤步骤1:确认有足够的需求信息 Step 1: Confirm there is sufficient requirements information 步骤2:选择要分解的系统元素 Step 2: Choose an element of the system to decompose 步骤3:确定所选元素的ASR Step 3: ldentify the ASRs for the chosen element 步骤4:选择符合ASR的设计概念 Step 4:Choose a design concept that satisfies the ASRs 步骤5:实例化架构元素并分配职责 Step 5: Instantiate architectural elements and allocate responsibilities 步骤6:为实例化元素定义接口 Step6: Define interfaces for instantiated elements 步骤7:验证和完善需求,并使其成为实例化元素的约束 Step 7: Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements 步骤8:重复进行,直到满足所有ASR Step 8: Repeat until all the ASRs have been satisfied 这其中元素指的是什么、
时间: 2024-04-04 17:33:52 浏览: 92