power bi calculate
时间: 2023-10-01 17:10:56 浏览: 104
Power BI is a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for end users to create their reports and dashboards. Power BI provides a variety of calculations that can be used to analyze and visualize data. Some of the most common calculations in Power BI include:
1. Sum: Calculates the sum of numerical values in a column.
2. Average: Calculates the average of numerical values in a column.
3. Count: Counts the number of items in a column.
4. Min/Max: Calculates the minimum and maximum numerical values in a column.
5. Distinct Count: Counts the number of unique items in a column.
6. Median: Calculates the median of numerical values in a column.
7. Rank: Assigns a rank to each item in a column based on a specified criteria.
8. Running Total: Calculates a running total of numerical values in a column.
9. Variance: Calculates the variance of numerical values in a column.
10. Standard Deviation: Calculates the standard deviation of numerical values in a column.
These calculations can be combined with other Power BI features such as filters, slicers, and visualizations to create powerful data analysis and visualization tools.