does not have privileges to access: default
时间: 2024-03-21 15:40:04 浏览: 133
The error "does not have privileges to access: default" usually occurs when a user tries to access a database or table in Hive or Impala without the required privileges. Here are some steps you can take to resolve this issue:
1. Check if you are logged in as the correct user. Make sure you are logged in as the user who has the necessary privileges to access the database or table.
2. Grant the required privileges to the user. You can use the GRANT statement to grant privileges to the user. For example, to grant all privileges on a database named "mydb" to a user named "myuser", you can use the following command:
3. Check if the database or table exists. Make sure the database or table you are trying to access exists and you have specified the correct name.
4. Check if the user has specified the correct database or table name. Make sure the user has specified the correct database or table name in their query or command.
5. Check if the user has specified the correct schema name. If the database or table is in a schema, make sure the user has specified the correct schema name in their query or command.
By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "does not have privileges to access: default" error.