def chinese_word_cut(mytext): jieba.load_userdict(dic_file) jieba.initialize() try: stopword_list = open(stop_file,encoding ='utf-8') except: stopword_list = []
时间: 2024-04-09 15:31:17 浏览: 133
def chinese_word_cut(mytext): jieba.load_userdict(dic_file) jieba.initialize() try: stopword_list = open(stop_file,encoding ='utf-8') except: stopword_list = [] print("error in stop_file") stop_list = [] flag_list = ['n','nz','vn'] for line in stopword_list: line = re.sub(u'\n|\\r', '', line) stop_list.append(line) word_list = [] #jieba分词 seg_list = psg.cut(mytext) for seg_word in seg_list: #word = re.sub(u'[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]','',seg_word.word) word = seg_word.word find = 0 for stop_word in stop_list: if stop_word == word or len(word)<2: #this word is stopword find = 1 break if find == 0 and seg_word.flag in flag_list: if word in synonym_origin: index = synonym_origin.index(word) word = synonym_new[index] word_list.append(word) return (" ").join(word_list) data["content"]=data.content.astype(str) data["content_cutted"] = data.content.apply(chinese_word_cut)加入正则表达式进行数据清洗
以下代码出现报错:def chinese_word_cut(mytext): jieba.load_userdict(dic_file) jieba.initialize() try: stopword_list = open(stop_file,encoding ='utf-8') except: stopword_list = [] print("error in stop_file") stop_list = [] flag_list = ['n','nz','vn'] for line in stopword_list: line = re.sub(u'\n|\\r', '', line) stop_list.append(line) word_list = [] #jieba分词 seg_list = psg.cut(mytext) for seg_word in seg_list: word = re.sub(u'[^\u4e00-\u9fa5]','',seg_word.word) #word = seg_word.word #如果想要分析英语文本,注释这行代码,启动下行代码 find = 0 for stop_word in stop_list: if stop_word == word or len(word)<2: #this word is stopword find = 1 break if find == 0 and seg_word.flag in flag_list: word_list.append(word) return (" ").join(word_list)datacontent=data.content data["content_cutted"] = chinese_word_cut(datacontent)
1. 代码中引用的变量(如`dic_file`和`stop_file`)未被定义或赋值,需要保证这些变量已经被正确定义或赋值。
2. 代码依赖的`jieba`和`re`模块需要被引入,需要在代码的开头添加`import jieba`和`import re`语句。
3. 变量`data`未被定义,需要保证在这段代码被执行前,`data`变量已经被正确定义或赋值。
4. 函数`chinese_word_cut`中的`psg.cut(mytext)`可能存在问题,需要保证变量`psg`已经被正确定义或引用,否则可能会出现`NameError`异常。