时间: 2023-06-15 07:07:05 浏览: 212
1. ATC: Delta 324, turn right heading _____.
Delta 324: Right heading _____, Delta 324.
答案:two five zero,two five zero
2. Pilot: Approach, this is Cessna 1234 requesting IFR clearance to _____ airport.
ATC: Cessna 1234, cleared to _____ airport via radar vectors, climb and maintain 3000, departure frequency 124.3, squawk 3456.
3. ATC: United 123, descend and maintain 10,000 feet, _____ altimeter 29.92.
United 123: Down to 10,000 feet, _____ 29.92, United 123.
4. Pilot: Center, this is Piper 5678, we have a _____ generator warning light, request diversion to the nearest airport.
ATC: Piper 5678, roger, turn right heading 270, descend and maintain 5000 feet, cleared direct to _____ airport, squawk 7700.
5. ATC: Delta 456, turn left heading 320, descend and maintain 8000 feet.
Delta 456: Left heading _____, down to 8000 feet, Delta 456.
答案:three two zero,three two zero
6. Pilot: Tower, this is Southwest 789, ready for takeoff on runway 22L, request westbound departure.
ATC: Southwest 789, cleared for takeoff runway 22L, turn left heading 270, contact departure on _____.
Pilot: Cleared for takeoff, left heading 270, contact departure on _____, Southwest 789.
7. ATC: American 321, traffic at your 1 o'clock, 2 miles, _____ direction, altitude indicates 2000 feet.
American 321: Looking for traffic, negative contact.
ATC: American 321, traffic now at your 12 o'clock, 1 mile, _____ direction, altitude indicates 1500 feet.
American 321: Traffic in sight, American 321.
8. Pilot: Center, this is Learjet 4567, request climb to FL400.
ATC: Learjet 4567, climb and maintain FL400, _____ on 127.4.
Pilot: Up to FL400, _____ 127.4, Learjet 4567.
9. ATC: Delta 234, turn right heading 090, cleared ILS approach runway 27R.
Delta 234: Right heading _____, cleared ILS approach runway 27R, Delta 234.
答案:zero nine zero,zero nine zero
10. Pilot: Approach, this is Boeing 123, request weather at destination airport.
ATC: Boeing 123, weather at destination airport is _____, winds variable at 5 knots, visibility 10 miles, ceiling at 5000 feet broken, temperature 20 degrees Celsius, dew point 18 degrees Celsius.
Pilot: Copy weather, thanks, Boeing 123.