No installers According to the release calendar specified in PEP 537, Python 3.7 is now in the "security fixes only" stage of its life cycle: 3.7 branch only accepts security fixes and releases of those are made irregularly in source-only form until June 2023. Python 3.7 does not receive regular bug fixes anymore, and binary installers are no longer provided for it. Python 3.7.9 was the last full bugfix release of Python 3.7 with binary installers. Full ChangelogNo installers According to the release calendar specified in PEP 537, Python 3.7 is now in the "security fixes only" stage of its life cycle: 3.7 branch only accepts security fixes and releases of those are made irregularly in source-only form until June 2023. Python 3.7 does not receive regular bug fixes anymore, and binary installers are no longer provided for it. Python 3.7.9 was the last full bugfix release of Python 3.7 with binary installers.
时间: 2024-04-08 15:32:01 浏览: 245
根据 PEP 537 指定的发布日历,Python 3.7 现在处于其生命周期的“仅限安全修复”阶段:3.7 分支只接受安全修复,并且这些修复的发布方式不规则,只以源代码形式发布,直到2023年6月。Python 3.7 不再接收常规的错误修复,也不再提供二进制安装程序。Python 3.7.9 是最后一个具有二进制安装程序的 Python 3.7 的完整错误修复版本。
根据这个信息,如果你需要使用 Python 3.7,你将需要从源代码构建并安装它,而不是使用官方提供的二进制安装程序。请注意,Python 3.7 只接受安全修复,因此建议尽快迁移到较新的 Python 版本,以获得更好的功能和错误修复支持。
Security content in this release gh-103142: The version of OpenSSL used in Windows and Mac installers has been upgraded to 1.1.1u to address CVE-2023-2650, CVE-2023-0465, CVE-2023-0466, CVE-2023-0464, as well as CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2022-4303, and CVE-2022-4303 fixed previously in 1.1.1t (gh-101727). gh-102153: urllib.parse.urlsplit() now strips leading C0 control and space characters following the specification for URLs defined by WHATWG in response to CVE-2023-24329. gh-99889: Fixed a security flaw in uu.decode() that could allow for directory traversal based on the input if no out_file was specified. gh-104049: Do not expose the local on-disk location in directory indexes produced by http.client.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler. gh-101283: subprocess.Popen now uses a safer approach to find cmd.exe when launching with shell=True.
- gh-103142:Windows 和 Mac 安装程序中使用的 OpenSSL 版本已升级至 1.1.1u,以解决 CVE-2023-2650、CVE-2023-0465、CVE-2023-0466、CVE-2023-0464,以及之前在 1.1.1t 中修复的 CVE-2022-4303 和 CVE-2022-4303(gh-101727)。
- gh-102153:urllib.parse.urlsplit() 现在根据 WHATWG 对 URL 定义的规范,剥离了前导的 C0 控制字符和空格字符,以应对 CVE-2023-24329。
- gh-99889:修复了 uu.decode() 中的安全漏洞,如果未指定 out_file,则可能基于输入允许目录遍历。
- gh-104049:http.client.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler 生成的目录索引中不再暴露本地磁盘位置。
- gh-101283:subprocess.Popen 在使用 shell=True 启动时,现在采用了更安全的方法来查找 cmd.exe。
Python的安装包通常称为"Python Distribution",常见的有:
1. **Python 官方发行版**:Python官方网站提供的是源码形式的下载,用户需要自行编译。对于Windows用户,可以下载安装器如`Python x.y.msi`,它包含了所有必要的库和工具。
2. **Anaconda (Conda)**:这是一个流行的开源数据科学平台,包含了许多科学计算库,如NumPy、Pandas等,并通过环境管理方便地安装和隔离依赖。
3. **Miniconda**: 是Anaconda的轻量级版本,只包含conda管理和基本的Python环境。
4. **pip and setuptools**: 这是Python的标准包管理工具,通过这两个工具可以在已经安装的Python环境中添加新的模块。
5. **Distribute (now pip)**:早期的Python包分发工具,现在已经被pip取代,但仍有一些旧项目可能依赖于它。
6. **Nuitka**: 用于将Python脚本静态编译成独立的可执行文件,提高性能。
7. **Windows Binary Installers**:针对Windows用户的预打包版本,可以直接安装而无需手动配置环境。