Scala定义一个类Shape,它包含一个抽象函数getArea(),从Shape类派生出Rectangle和一个特质Circle,它们重写getArea()函数,计算其的面积。编写伴生对象,测试Rectangle和Circle,并输出。 输入1求长方体面积 输入2求圆面积
时间: 2024-10-23 12:13:22 浏览: 25
abstract class Shape {
def getArea(): Double
trait Circle extends Shape {
var radius: Double
override def getArea(): Double = math.PI * radius * radius
case class Rectangle(length: Double, width: Double) extends Shape {
override def getArea(): Double = length * width
object Main {
// 定义伴生对象
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// 测试Rectangle和Circle
val rect = Rectangle(5.0, 4.0)
println(s"Rectangle area: ${rect.getArea()}")
val circle = Circle()
circle.radius = 7.0
println(s"Circle area: ${circle.getArea()}")
// 用户输入选择
val inputChoice =
inputChoice match {
case 1 => println("Please enter the dimensions of a rectangle (length and width):")
// 添加用户输入并计算面积
case 2 => println("Please enter the radius of a circle:")
// 添加用户输入并计算面积
case _ => println("Invalid choice.")