freeswitch 腾讯云websocket
时间: 2024-01-24 21:15:39 浏览: 171
freeswitch 实现websocket
1. 安装mod_event_socket模块:在FreeSWITCH中,可以通过mod_event_socket模块来实现与外部应用程序的通信。可以通过以下命令安装该模块:
sudo apt-get install freeswitch-mod-event-socket
2. 配置mod_event_socket模块:在FreeSWITCH的配置文件中,需要添加以下内容来启用mod_event_socket模块:
<load module="mod_event_socket"/>
<module name="event_socket">
<param name="listen-ip" value=""/>
<param name="listen-port" value="8084"/>
<param name="password" value="ClueCon"/>
3. 启动mod_event_socket模块:可以通过以下命令启动mod_event_socket模块:
fs_cli -x "event_socket start"
4. 使用WebSocket连接到FreeSWITCH:可以使用任何支持WebSocket协议的客户端应用程序连接到FreeSWITCH。连接时需要提供以下信息:
- WebSocket URL:ws://<FreeSWITCH IP>:<FreeSWITCH WebSocket端口号>/api
- 认证信息:ClueCon
freeswitch websocket
FreeSWITCH supports WebSockets for real-time web communications. It allows you to establish a bidirectional connection between a web browser and FreeSWITCH, enabling real-time communication between them.
To use WebSockets with FreeSWITCH, you need to configure the mod_verto module. This module provides a JavaScript library that you can use to establish a WebSocket connection from a web browser to FreeSWITCH. Once the connection is established, you can use the library to control calls and conferences in FreeSWITCH, as well as to receive notifications about events.
To configure mod_verto, you need to add the following lines to the FreeSWITCH configuration file:
load mod_verto
You also need to configure the mod_verto module by adding the following lines:
<configuration name="verto.conf" description="mod_verto Configuration">
<module name="mod_verto"/>
Once you have configured mod_verto, you can use the JavaScript library to establish a WebSocket connection from a web browser to FreeSWITCH. You can find more information about how to use mod_verto in the FreeSWITCH documentation.