drop 0
时间: 2023-09-10 14:07:50 浏览: 162
import numpy as np
arr = np.array([1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4])
arr = np.delete(arr, np.where(arr == 0))
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4], 'B': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
df = df.drop(df[df['A'] == 0].index)
在上面的代码中,`df[df['A'] == 0]`返回值为0的行,然后使用`drop()`函数删除这些行。
dataframe drop
Dataframe drop is a method used in pandas library to remove rows or columns from a dataframe. The drop method takes one or more labels as arguments, which can be either the row or column labels, and removes them from the dataframe. The syntax for dropping rows and columns is different.
To drop a row from a dataframe, we use the `drop()` method with the `axis` parameter set to 0:
df.drop(index, axis=0)
Here, `index` represents the index of the row to be dropped.
To drop a column from a dataframe, we use the `drop()` method with the `axis` parameter set to 1:
df.drop(column, axis=1)
Here, `column` represents the name or label of the column to be dropped.
The `drop()` method returns a new dataframe with the specified rows or columns removed. It does not modify the original dataframe.
tx_drop_diff=$((tx_drop_down - tx_drop_up)) shell 脚本判断 tx_drop_down 是否比 tx_drop_up 大,是的话执行tx_drop_diff,否则出错退出
在您给出的 shell 脚本片段中,`tx_drop_diff=$((tx_drop_down - tx_drop_up))` 这一行是用来直接计算两个变量 `tx_drop_down` 和 `tx_drop_up` 的差值的。如果想要实现判断 `tx_drop_down` 是否大于 `tx_drop_up`,并在满足条件时执行差值计算,可以添加一个条件语句。这里是一个示例:
if [ $tx_drop_down -gt $tx_drop_up ]; then
tx_drop_diff=$((tx_drop_down - tx_drop_up))
echo "Since tx_drop_down is greater than tx_drop_up, the difference is: $tx_drop_diff"
echo "tx_drop_down is not greater than tx_drop_up, no calculation performed."
exit 1 # 如果不满足条件,可以选择退出脚本
在这个修改后的版本里,我们先用 `if` 语句检查 `tx_drop_down` 是否大于 `tx_drop_up`,如果是,则执行差值计算并打印结果;如果不是,就打印一条消息告知没有执行计算,并通过 `exit 1` 立即结束脚本。