permission.js:39 Error: please transfer a valid prop path to form item!
时间: 2024-04-25 17:18:08 浏览: 170
根据您提供的错误信息,"permission.js:39 Error: transfer a valid prop path to form item!",这是一个与表单项相关的错误。根据错误提示,您在使用permission.js文件的第39行时传递了一个无效的属性路径给表单项。
- 您传递了一个不存在的属性路径。
- 您传递了一个空的属性路径。
- 您传递的属性路径格式不正确。
Error running 'test.js: Program path not specified
As an AI language model, I cannot run JavaScript programs or execute commands on your computer. However, the error message "Program path not specified" typically means that you have not provided the correct file path to the JavaScript program you are trying to run.
Make sure that you have specified the correct path to the program in your command line or in your code, and that the program file actually exists at that location. You may also want to check that you have permission to access the file.
import axios from "axios"; export default { name:"UserLogin", data() { return { loginForm: { username: "", password: "", }, registerDialogVisible: false, registerForm: { username: "", password: "", }, }; }, methods: { showRegisterDialog() { this.registerDialogVisible = true; }, async submitRegisterForm(formName) { this.$refs[formName].validate(async (valid) => { if (valid) { try { await"http://localhost:5001/register", { username: this.registerForm.username, password: this.registerForm.password, }); // 自动登录 this.loginForm.username = this.registerForm.username; this.loginForm.password = this.registerForm.password; await this.submitForm("loginForm"); this.registerDialogVisible = false; } catch (error) { console.log(error); this.$message({ message: "Registration failed!", type: "error", }); } } else { this.$message({ message: "Invalid input!", type: "error", }); return false; } }); }, async submitForm(formName) { this.$refs[formName].validate(async (valid) => { if (valid) { try { const response = await"http://localhost:5001/login", { username: this.loginForm.username, password: this.loginForm.password, }); const token =; const id =; const permission = localStorage.setItem("token", token); localStorage.setItem("id",id); localStorage.setItem("permission",permission) this.$message({ message: "Logged in successfully!", type: "success", }); this.$router.push({ name: "MinesApp" }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); this.$message({ message: "Invalid credentials!", type: "error", }); } } else { this.$message({ message: "Invalid credentials!", type: "error", }); return false; } }); }, }, };什么意思