时间: 2023-06-08 20:02:04 浏览: 381
1. Tab键:切换当前激活的设计层、图层或命令窗格。
2. Ctrl + C(复制)和 Ctrl + V(粘贴):用于快捷复制和粘贴元素、轨迹和图形。
3. Ctrl + Z(撤销)和 Ctrl + Y(重做):用于快速撤销和重做上一步操作或一系列操作。
4. Spacebar键:改变元素的旋转角度、切换特定工具或添加新的元素。
5. Shift + 选取工具:在选取工具中按下Shift键,可以进行多选、反选或框选等操作。
6. O键:打开层设置对话框,可以修改图层的设置、颜色和属性等信息。
7. F4键:打开元件属性对话框,可以编辑元件的名称、芯片型号和引脚信息等。
8. F11键:打开3D预览窗口,可以预览PCB设计的3D效果。
"AD20"通常是指Altium Designer 20,这是一款流行的电子设计自动化软件。关于PCB(Printed Circuit Board,印刷电路板)设计中,线宽(Trace Width)的快捷键可能会因操作系统的不同而略有差异,但在AD20中,你可以使用以下步骤调整线宽:
1. 打开PCB编辑器,选中需要修改线宽的线条。
2. 在工具栏上,找到"Design"(设计)或者"Rules and Constraints"(规则和约束)选项。
3. 点击“Tools”菜单,然后选择“Track & Trace Properties”(线路及迹线属性)或者直接按键盘上的"F3",弹出“Line Width Editor”(线宽编辑器)。
4. 在线宽编辑器中,输入或更改所需的线宽值。
具体的快捷键可能是F3或者某个与设置关联的自定义快捷键。如果想要查找确切的快捷键,可以在Altium Designer的帮助文档或者用户手册中查找,或者在软件内部搜索功能中输入“line width shortcut”。
### Altium Designer PCB Routing View Shortcut Keys
In the context of using Altium Designer specifically for PCB routing, several shortcut keys enhance efficiency and control during design tasks. These shortcuts are categorized based on their functionality within the PCB editor.
#### General Navigation Shortcuts
For navigating around the workspace effectively while performing routing operations:
- **Pan**: Press `Spacebar` followed by an arrow key to pan the view in that direction.
- **Zoom In/Out**: Use `Page Up` or `Page Down`. Alternatively, holding down `Ctrl` and scrolling the mouse wheel also adjusts zoom levels[^1].
#### Interactive Routing Commands
To initiate and manipulate interactive routing processes efficiently:
- **Start Interactive Routing**: Press `R`.
- **Switch Layer During Route**: While routing, press `L` to cycle through available layers.
- **Toggle Between Track and Arc Segments**: Press `A` when placing tracks to switch between straight segments and arcs.
#### Editing Existing Routes
When modifying existing routes or connections already placed on the board:
- **Cut Selected Tracks/Wires**: Select objects then press `Delete`.
- **Tear Drop Creation**: After selecting a via or pad, pressing `D`, `T` will open tear drop creation options.
#### Miscellaneous Useful Shortcuts
Additional commands useful for various aspects of working within the PCB layout environment:
- **Show All Objects Under Cursor**: Press `Shift+C` which can help identify overlapping items under cursor location.
- **Lock Object(s)**: With object selected, press `Alt+L` to lock it preventing accidental movement or modification.
# Example Python code demonstrating how one might simulate sending these keystrokes programmatically (for educational purposes only)
import pyautogui as pg
def send_routing_shortcut(command):
if command == "start":'r')
elif command == "switch_layer":'l')
send_routing_shortcut("start") # Starts interactive routing mode