时间: 2024-05-15 15:16:44 浏览: 131
mscan1.zip_MPC5200_can驱动_mpc5200 can
#include "MPC5745B.h"
#define CAN3_TX_MSG_ID 0x123
#define CAN5_RX_MSG_ID 0x456
void init_CAN3(void);
void init_CAN5(void);
void main(void) {
while(1) {
if(CAN_5.MB[0].CS.B.CODE != 0b1100) { // Check if CAN5 has received a message
uint32_t msg_id = CAN_5.MB[0].ID.B.ID_STD;
if(msg_id == CAN5_RX_MSG_ID) { // Check if received message is the expected ID
// Do something with the received message
} else {
static uint32_t last_rx_time = 0;
uint32_t current_time = /* get current time in milliseconds */;
if(current_time - last_rx_time > 100) { // Check if it has been 100ms since last message received
CAN_3.MB[0].CS.B.TX_EN = 0; // Stop CAN3 from sending messages
void init_CAN3(void) {
// Configure CAN3
CAN_3.MCR.B.MDIS = 1; // Disable module before selecting clock source
CAN_3.MCR.B.CLKSRC = 1; // Select PLL0CD as clock source
CAN_3.MCR.B.MDIS = 0; // Enable module
// Configure CAN3 pins
SIUL2.MSCR[PA10].B.SSS = 1; // Select CAN3_TX pin
SIUL2.MSCR[PA11].B.IBE = 1; // Enable CAN3_RX pin
// Configure CAN3 MB0 for transmitting
CAN_3.MB[0].CS.B.CODE = 0b1000; // Set MB0 to transmit
CAN_3.MB[0].ID.B.ID_STD = CAN3_TX_MSG_ID; // Set standard ID
void init_CAN5(void) {
// Configure CAN5
CAN_5.MCR.B.MDIS = 1; // Disable module before selecting clock source
CAN_5.MCR.B.CLKSRC = 1; // Select PLL0CD as clock source
CAN_5.MCR.B.MDIS = 0; // Enable module
// Configure CAN5 pins
SIUL2.MSCR[PE0].B.SSS = 2; // Select CAN5_RX pin
SIUL2.MSCR[PE1].B.IBE = 1; // Enable CAN5_TX pin
// Configure CAN5 MB0 for receiving
CAN_5.MB[0].CS.B.CODE = 0b0110; // Set MB0 to receive
CAN_5.MB[0].ID.B.ID_STD = CAN5_RX_MSG_ID; // Set standard ID